Lauren and camila was out with their families and friends for dinner, Dinah, ally, Normani, Harry, sofi, Sinu, ale, Carla and Mike.
They was sat down eating Lauren and camila cuddled up with one another, Lauren feeds camila causing camila to giggle but she still eat what Lauren was feeding her. They don't know about the engagement because camila has been hiding her hand from them, no one picked up on it only the over the top pda they have been doing.
"I love you" Lauren said, camila smiles kissing her and this wasn't just a small peck it was almost a make out session but wasn't quite there.
"I love you too" Camila said when they finally pulled back, camila grabs her drink causing her ring to clink against the glass camila forgot and looks at Lauren who shrugs, they all look at the ring and then look at the two.
"You're engaged?" Dinah asked, they nod and camilas mom nods
"Explains the pda" Sinu said, camila giggles and feeds Lauren who smiles eating
"When did this happen?" Mike asked, camila kisses Lauren's cheek and Lauren looks at her dad
"Yesterday, when mom was babysitter Harry for us" Lauren said, she giggles as camila nibbles on her jawline.
"Well, congratulations!" Ally said, they all say it and camila giggles slipping her hand in between Lauren's crosses legs, Lauren looks down then to camila she smiles and pulls camilas hand awake and holds it.
"Baby" Lauren said with a look, they all look at camila who smiles and nods
"Later" Lauren whispered, camila nods and they carry on with their meal, when they finished Lauren drops their part of the money down as she stands up, camila stood up and wraps her arms around Lauren causing her to giggle.
"Come on, lets go watch a movie" Lauren said, camila smiles and Lauren picks Harry up as sofi walks to camila to be picked up, camila did and they walk to Lauren's car as their parents go to their own.
At the movie they had to watch a child friendly movie, as they was in the movies camila crawls over to Lauren's lap, they all looked and Lauren smiles she cuddles Lauren and pulls Lauren's face to her own, she kisses Lauren and Lauren smiles kissing her back.
"Hmmm baby, stop the kids and other kids" Lauren said, camila nods and just cuddles Lauren
"I love you" Camila said, Lauren giggles nodding
"I know, you haven't stoped saying it...I love you too" Lauren said, camila smiles and puts her face in the crook of Lauren's neck.
After the movie they all go home, everyone was so happy for Lauren and camila which made the two even more happy than they already was.

FanfictionLauren-23-rich-has a 2 yearold son-works alot Camila-18-just finished high school-lives with parents and sister