Lauren and camila was cuddled up on the couch, Harry was around one of his friends house. Lauren was led down as camila was next to her cuddling her side, she had her one hand up her top rubbing her stomach as the other was under Lauren, camilas head was on Lauren's shoulder as they watched tv.
This is all they have been doing since Harry left with his friends mom, just laying down cuddling and watching tv.
"Lo, can we change the channel please, I'm bored of this stupid show" Camila said, Lauren grabs the remote and does.
"Hmm no, no, no, ugh Lo we've watched everything!" Camila whines, Lauren giggles going on Netflix and puts camilas favourite show on.
"Yay!" Camila said, Lauren giggles kissing camila and camila kisses her back
"Camz...I love you" Lauren said, camila smiles wide
"I love you too!" Camila said, Lauren smiles and camila climbs on top of her hugging her tightly
The rest of the day they was smiling hugging and kissing even when Harry came home, he was confused but didn't think or say anything about it.
They was all in bed Lauren and camila cuddled up, Lauren had her one arm around her as the other was playing with her hair.
"You're so cute baby" Lauren said, camila smiles and nudges her nose with Lauren's then kissed her
"I love you" camila said, she couldn't stop saying it
"I love you too" Lauren said, camila hides in her neck and kissed her neck
"Night Lauren, i love you" Camila said, Lauren giggles
"Night camz, I love you too" lauren said, camila tried to get closer to Lauren but couldn't, so she just climbs on top of her and falls asleep there.

FanfictionLauren-23-rich-has a 2 yearold son-works alot Camila-18-just finished high school-lives with parents and sister