Camila was at Lauren's front door at 9 am, Lauren answers with her shirt half way done up, camila couldn't help but look at her chest.
"Why...I-morning" Camila said, Lauren giggles doing the rest of her shirt up
"Morning, please help me get harry ready" Lauren said, camila giggles nodding
She got Harry ready and walks in the kitchen with him, Lauren was cooking camila placed harry in his seat and walks to Lauren.
"Have you eaten?" Lauren asked, camila nods Lauren smiles lightly nodding
"Your shirts done up wrong" Camila said, Lauren frowns and looks sighing, camila giggles and Lauren undoes her shirt, Lauren looks at her body and bites her lip softly.
"How are you a mom?" She asked, Lauren frowns confused
"Are you sure you gave birth?" Camila said, Lauren giggles nodding doing her shirt up
"Yes, I don't think you can fake that kind of pain" Lauren said, camila nods licking her lips
"Hey, eyes up here little one" Lauren said, camila blushed looking at Lauren's eyes
"Do you need me to do anything?" Camila asked, Lauren nods
"Stop staring at my boobs...also could you take harry out today? I don't want him being stuck in all day, also he needs be in at 6 the latest, he's 2" Lauren said, camila nods.
"Sure, where should I take him?" Camila asked, she makes Lauren a coffee knowing how she likes it from the first time they met.
"I don't know...swimming?" Lauren said
"Yay I go swim!" Harry said, camila giggles
"Swimming it is" she said and placed Lauren's coffee down, Lauren smiles looking at camila
"Do you want to marry me?" Lauren said, camila giggles and nods
"Sure" Camila said, Lauren giggles and camila tides the house a little, have a 2 year old and a full time job, she sees how Lauren can't clean all the time.
When Lauren was done eating and washing the dishes she sees camila cleaning, she smiles and walks over with Harry on her hip.
"I'll buy you a ring" Lauren said, camila giggles and nods
"Isn't that sweet, now go get your stuff for work" Camila said taking Harry from her, Lauren does and comes back down she kissed Harry's head.
"I'll see you soon" she said, he nods and then she kissed camilas head
"I'll see you soon Wifey" Lauren said, camila giggles and Lauren goes to work
She gets a bag for Harry because they was going swimming, she then calls a cab and goes to the mall. She buys herself a swim suit and they walk to the a indoor swimming pool, she text Lauren asking which one and this is what she was told.
They swim for a bit and Harry was pretty good for his age, he was in camilas arms right now as camila was helping him.
They spent 2 hours at the pool and it is now 12 and Harry was saying he was hungry, Camila asked Lauren is McDonald's was okay and Lauren said yes.
They eat McDonald's and then walk around the mall for a bit, there was a kids play area in the mall and Harry wanted to play so he did.
After a while he got tired so they went back to Lauren's house, camila put him down for a nap and watched a little tv.
When we woke up he played with his toys for a bit, watched some cartoons, camila made him some food then it was his bedtime.
Camila checks the time '6:54pm' he went to sleep, so she texted Lauren saying he's asleep but, didn't get a reply so she thought she was in her meeting.
10 pm Lauren wasn't home, but she did say that it was going to be a late right, so camila just checked on Harry and put his toys away.
11pm still not home, camila was getting a little tired now so she just put the tv on and watched a movie
12pm Lauren was not home, camila texted her but she didn't get a reply
1am camila was asleep on the couch with the tv on
4am Lauren came home, hanging her jacket up and taking her shoes off she goes in the room to see camila asleep, she sighed turning the tv off and picking her up and carrying her to bed.
Lauren put a t-shirt and shorts on camila and put her in bed, this girl is one heavy sleeper. Lauren got herself ready for bed and got in next to camila, she wraps her arms around her from behind and turns the lamp off.
"I'm sorry, I got home way too late" Lauren mumbled and kissed camilas head, she then fell asleep.

FanfictionLauren-23-rich-has a 2 yearold son-works alot Camila-18-just finished high school-lives with parents and sister