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Camila and Harry just had a lazy day, playing with toys, watching tv, ordering pizza. You know all that stuff, it was fun for the both of them, just to stay home and play.

Camila took Harry to the mall, then to the park, they played a little soccer and camila brought Harry some new toys that he played with for the rest of the week.


Camila called Shawn and Dinah around, they celebrate her birthday and at 12 they go around camilas house. Harry met sofi and they played, Lauren even FaceTimed camila to say happy birthday, they turned into hour and half convocation. Dinah and Shawn stayed over Lauren's with her, both in the guest room as camila had Lauren's room to herself, all she's been wearing is Lauren's clothes, they're so comfy.


Harry started to miss Lauren more than he did when she left, so camila face timed Lauren and stayed on it all day. Dinah and Shawn stayed the day as well but didn't sleep, as Lauren was talking to camila Lauren was in a pool, camila licks her lips as she could see Lauren's body because the phone was set far back.

"You look sexy in that bikini" Camila said, Lauren chuckles and blushed a little

"Shut up Camz, my son is the room as is your friends" Lauren said, camila smiles

"Why don't you take it off?" Camila said, Lauren's eyes went a little wide

"Later" Lauren said in a deep husky voice, camila blushed at it and Lauren smirks

"Mama, look what I built!" Harry said, he brought his Lego house over to the phone, Lauren smiles wide praising him.

"Harry time for bed" Camila said, Lauren was still on the phone and still in her bikini tanning, she didn't do that all day she just stayed in the bikini.

The other two left a little while ago

"Night night mama" Harry said, Lauren waves

"Night night buddy" Lauren said, camila our Harry to bed and then went to Lauren's room grabbing one of Lauren's shirts. Yes she did change in clear view of the phone camera for Lauren to see, but she's also changed while straddling Lauren, so it's no big deal the two are close friends.

"Have you been wearing my clothes all this time?" Lauren said, camila nods slipping her pants off and getting into bed.

"Yep, they're so comfy" Camila said, Lauren smiles walking back to her hotel room, camila smiles as Lauren sets the phone up on a table.

"Or do you just miss me so much?" Lauren teased, camila giggles blushing lightly because that's also another reason.

"Shut up, they're just comfortable" Camila said, Lauren giggles undoing her swimming top, camila goes wide eyed as Lauren let's it fall and her chest is in plain sight of the camera.

"Lauren!" Camila gasped, Lauren giggles grabbing a shirt

"Shut up baby, you've seen it all before" Lauren said, camila blushed and smiled at Lauren calling her 'baby' she has before but it just does something to camilas insides.

"I know...I wasn't expecting it" Camila said, Lauren giggles slipping the bottoms off but had her back To the camera.

"Yeh Yeh, when do you ever expect it" Lauren said pulling her pants up, she climbs into bed with the phone.

"I don't" Camila yawns, Lauren smiles because sleepy camila is when camila is the cutest

"Go to sleep Camz, I don't want my son to be around a cranky camila" Lauren said, camila nods getting comfortable.

"Night Lauren...I-Harry misses you a lot" Camila said, Lauren smiles wide

"I miss him too...and you Camz so go to sleep so I can get some sleep and it be one day closer to seeing you both" Lauren said, camila smiles and nods they fall asleep on face time together.


It was just another lazy day for the Both, movies, toys and camila made them some food not ordered, she didn't want Harry to expect that every time she babysat he just gets junk food.

Lauren called again to see Harry and camila but it wasn't all day, just a few hours.

When it came to Harry's bed time Lauren Phoned again to say goodnight, then when camila went to bed they texted for a while until she fell asleep.

Camila took Harry swimming, then they went to the park, they got ice cream and all that stuff. Harry couldn't wait to see his mom again tomorrow, it's all he was talking about, camila was excited to see her too, she didn't realise how much she would miss Lauren this week. They are always together even if she's not babysitting Harry, so she's used to just being able to walk over and cuddle her, that's what she missed the most Lauren's cuddles and kisses.

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