Lauren wakes up and sees camila still fast asleep in her arms, she had her head on her chest and arms wrapped around her waist. Lauren has her arms around camila rubbing her back softly, Lauren runs a hand through camilas hair and kisses her head softly.
"Camila...hey camila wake up" Lauren said into her ear, camila whines and tries to move closer to Lauren but ends up on top of her.
"Hey, wake up" Lauren said again, she hears camila sighed
"No mamí let me sleep" Camila said, Lauren chuckles softly
"Last time I checked I only had a son" Lauren said, camilas eyes shoot open and she jumps off Lauren, she ends up in front of her.
"What the-why am I in you your bed?" Camila said, Lauren sits up and Camila checks her self
"Why am I in your clothes?!" She yelled, Lauren giggles
"I came home at 4 am, you was asleep on the couch so I brought you up here, put you in some clothes because I don't think those jeans would of been comfortable and then well...feel asleep" Lauren said, camila grabs her jeans and quickly takes Lauren's pants off and puts hers on.
"you didn' know" Camila said, Lauren frowns
"No I don't know" Lauren said, camila shook her head
"You didn't...look, right" Camila said, Lauren frowns even more confused
"You didn't take my shirt off, right" Camila said agin, Lauren shook her head
"There was no need too...why are you so wary about that?" Lauren asked, she got out of bed and walked to camila.
"No...I'm just a little self conscious is all" Camila said, Lauren nods softly
"I didn't...but you're beautiful no need to be self conscious" Lauren said, camila nods and Lauren smiles.
"I'm going to make breakfast, what would you like?" Lauren asked, camila smiles lightly
"Whatever you're going to make, I'm going to use the bathroom" Camila said, Lauren nods going downstairs and starts breakfast.
Camila comes down and Lauren smiles, camila smiles back walking over to see Lauren cooking pancakes.
"Why are you in such a good mood?" Camila asked, Lauren smiles wider with a giggle
"Can't a momma be in a good mood?" Lauren asked, camila bites her bottom lip giggling
"Of cause she can...I'm just wondering" Camila said, Lauren smiles looking at camila
"Maybe waking up next to my wife makes me happy" Lauren said, camila giggles and rests her head on Lauren's shoulder.
"Maybe the smell of food is making me even more hungry" Camila said, Lauren giggles and passed her a plate with food on, camila smiles kissing Lauren's cheek and sits down.
"Mama" was called, Lauren's smiles putting the other two plates on the table, she walks to her son picking him up.
"Hello buddy" she said, he smiles resting his head on her shoulder
"Hello mama" he said, camila smiles at the cuteness going on in front of her
"Hey, I made pancakes" Lauren said, he smiles and she sits him down and he starts to eat, she sits down eating as well.
When camila was done she washed her plate and then makes Lauren's coffees, Lauren giggles as it gets set in front of her.
"You know, maybe I will actually propose to you" Lauren said, camila wraps her arms around Lauren's neck and leans her head on her shoulder looking at her.
" would be a hard choice of ring though...a million dollar one, or a forty million dollar, I can't make up my mind" Camila jokes, Lauren giggles and puts a hand on camilas cheek.
"Let's meet I'm the middle for ten million" Lauren said, camila smiles nodding
"Let's get married" Camila giggles, Lauren smiles and camila sees she's finished and washed her dish
Harry was still eating when camila finished washing up, Lauren wraps her arms around camilas waist and camila placed her hands on Lauren's shoulders.
"Maybe we should get married if you keep looking after me like this" Lauren said, camila giggles and rests her head on her chest.
"Take me on a date first" they both giggle and the door opens, footsteps come into the kitchen and they pull apart.
"Aww did we ruin the moment?" Normani said, camila grabs Harry's empty dish
"Yeh, Lauren just proposed" Camila said, Lauren chuckles and takes the dish from camila and cleans it.
"Okay then, hey you two free?" Ally asked, Lauren looks at camila
"Uh why?" Camila asked, Lauren wraps her arms around camilas waist from behind making the other two look suspiciously.
"Just wondering if you wanted to go see a movie" mani said, Lauren looks at camila and camila sighed
"No, I should go see Dinah" Lauren nods softly
"Want me to drive you?" Lauren asked, camila nods lightly smiling, Lauren smiles too
"Let me get dressed" Lauren said, camila grabs her hands stopping Lauren from going
"You are dressed and you look cute, so let's go" she said, Lauren giggles pulling away and walking to get dressed.
When she was she drives camila to dinahs house and then to the movies with the others, camila stays over dinahs house all day.

FanfictionLauren-23-rich-has a 2 yearold son-works alot Camila-18-just finished high school-lives with parents and sister