Camila wakes up with Lauren's head on her shoulder, she smiles and kisses Lauren's head and wraps her arms around Lauren tighter.
"Camz...I'm awake you know" Lauren said, camila sighed
"Well mommy, go back to sleep" Camila said, Lauren giggles looking at Lauren
"Well, mommy says get up" Lauren said, camila sighed
"Laurennnnnn!" Camila whines, Lauren giggles kissing camilas cheek
"What happened to your clothes?" Camila asked, Lauren looks at herself and sees she's wearing nothing...NOTHING?!
"What the fuck?! Where's my clothes? Oh my god...I'm on" Lauren jumps up and puts her hands over her face seeing the blood.
"I'm so sorry" Lauren said, camila smiles getting up and passed Lauren some clothes
"Don't worry about it" Camila said, Lauren sighed and tears fill her eyes
"Lo...what's wrong?" Camila asked, then Lauren breaks down crying
"I don't know why I'm not wearing clothes, I was when I went to sleep, now-now there's fucking blood all over you bed and-and-"
"Baby...shh okay, don't worry about it you probably got hot in your sleep and took them off...the blood is going to come out okay, if not I can get some more" Camila said, Lauren sighed putting her head on Lauren's shoulder. She reached around Lauren grabbing a tampon from Lauren's bag, she pulls back and handing it to her.
"Go get dressed baby momma" Camila said, Lauren smiles and does
"Hey, let me" Lauren said, she stops camila from taking the sheets off the bed and did herself, she walks downstairs and puts them in the wash, camilas mom looks suspiciously.
"Morning Lauren, Mija" Sinu said, they smile and say it back
"I'll start on break-this isn't my house" Lauren said, camila giggles and Lauren sits next to her, camila rests her head on her shoulder.
"Hey...would you mind if I told my parents about us?" Camila whispered in Lauren's ear, Lauren smiles and leans over kissing camila, both of her parents gasped.
"Did that answer your question?" Lauren asked, camila nods leans over kissing Lauren again, Lauren pulls back and looks at sofi then camilas parents.
"Right" Camila said, Lauren giggles
"So, you two" Sinu said, camila nods and Lauren smiles
"Okay, that's okay" Sinu said, ale nods softly
"Yes, it both seem very happy" ale said, camila and Lauren giggle nodding
"We are" Camila said, ale nods looking at Sinu who placed breakfast down
They eat and then Lauren tells camila she has to go home
"No" camila whines hugging Lauren
"I have a child camila, I have to go" Lauren said, camila sighed looking up at Lauren
"But you also have me" Camila said, Lauren kisses camila
"I'll see you soon" she said and left, camila sighed and jumps on the couch putting tv on with a pout

FanfictionLauren-23-rich-has a 2 yearold son-works alot Camila-18-just finished high school-lives with parents and sister