*skip a few months*
Camila was cleaning up the living room as Lauren was cleaning the kitchen, Harry was sat on the couch watching the tv.
Camila finished cleaning the living room and walked to see Lauren on her phone, she sighed and cleaned the kitchen Lauren looks and helps.
"There done" Camila said, Lauren smiles and camila cuddles into her chest, Lauren wraps her arms around camila kissing her head.
"What do you have planned for today?" Camila asked, Lauren shrugs camila opens the fringe
"A food shop for sure" Camila said, Lauren looks and nods
"Yeh...I'll go get harry dressed" Lauren said, camila giggles grabbing a pen and a pice of paper writing down what Lauren needed.
"You ready?" Lauren asked, camila nodded and they went in Lauren's car and drove to the store
"What was that other thing?" Lauren asked, camila giggles
"The same thing as 5 minutes ago" Camila said, Lauren sighed
"Yeh but I forgot!" Lauren said, camila rolls her eyes
"Milk Lauren, milk" Camila said, Lauren nods and gets it
"That's it" Camila said, Harry whines trying to grab the candy
"No harry" Lauren said, he sighed and looks at camila, camila grabs some candy and Lauren sighed, camila pouts.
"Look at his little face" Camila said, Lauren giggles and goes to check out
Camila helps with the bags as Harry walks next to her, when they was all in the car, they drive to Lauren's house and camila helps put the stuff away as Harry played.
"Lo, I need to go home today" Camila said, Lauren pouts
"What if this was your home" Lauren said, camila looks confused
"Move in with me" Lauren elaborated, camila smiles and nods
"Okay" Camila said, Lauren squeals and picks camila up kissing her, camila giggles wrapping her arms and legs around Lauren kissing her back.
"Let's go get your stuff! Harry!" Lauren calls and carried camila to the car as Harry walked with them
When they got to camilas house Lauren told her parents, they was happy for them and helped pack camilas stuff.
As camila was packing her underwear and her mom and dad did the clothes, books just stuff like that, Lauren walks behind camila wrapping her arms around camilas waist.
"Make sure to pack this" Lauren whispered in camilas ear and Lauren shows camila the lingerie, camila quickly pushed it into the bag as her mom and dad look, Lauren had her head in camilas neck smiling and giggling as camila was blushing.
"Is everything okay mija?" Her dad asked, camila nods
"Yeh, just Lauren making stupid jokes" Camila said, her dad nods and they finish packing
When they was done camila was downstairs with her mom dad and sister, she was saying goodbye as Lauren put the bags into the car.
"Ready to go baby?" Lauren asked, camila nods hugging them one last time before going
When they got home Lauren put Harry to bed as camila started on unpacking, Lauren walks over looking into the bags and grabs the lingerie, camila smiles lightly as Lauren undressed her.
"Finish off unpacking in this" Lauren said, camila nods and Lauren helps her put it on, she grips camilas ass cheek in one hand and in the other she was cupping her breast.
"I love you" Lauren said, camila nods
"I love you too" she said, Lauren kisses her and camila finished unpacking as Lauren stared at her
Camila turns around when she was done looking at Lauren on the bed innocently
"I'm finished papí, can I have a reward now please?" Camila asked seductively, Lauren nods and camila walks over and straddles her then kisses her.

أدب الهواةLauren-23-rich-has a 2 yearold son-works alot Camila-18-just finished high school-lives with parents and sister