It's been a few weeks since camila has been home and she kind of misses her mom dad and little sister, she walks to Lauren who's in the the room playing with Harry and wraps her arms around her, Lauren smiles doing the same.
"How about Harry has a play date with sofi?" Camila asked, Harry nods happily
"Please mama pleaseeeee" he begged, Lauren giggles and nods camila smiles and Harry gets some toys putting them in a bag, Lauren giggles and kisses the top of camilas head.
"Is this more for you than him? Do you miss home?" Lauren asked, camila nods Lightly
"Baby, you know you can go see them at anytime right?" Lauren said, camila nods and just then the door knocked, camila goes and opens it and was barged passed 3 people.
"Come in..." Camila mumbled, she closed the door and walked in to see Dinah, ally and Normani yelling at Lauren.
"Guys! Guys!" Camila yelled, they look at her going to comfort her
"I'm so sorry mila, I should of known this would of happened" Mani said, camila was confused
"What are you on about?" Camila asked, ally sighed sitting camila down, Dinah wraps her arms around her best friend.
"I knew something was up with her" Dinah said, Lauren was just as confused
"What's going on?" Lauren asked, the 3 glare at Lauren
"Mama, why they being mean to you?" Harry asked, Lauren shook her head picking her son up
"I don't know baby" Lauren said, he nods cuddling his mom
"I still love you" Harry said, lauren smiles
"Thanks buddy" Lauren said, camila smiles lightly at Lauren as if to say 'me too' Lauren smiles back and rests her head on Harry's.
"What's going on? Why are you all doing whatever this is?" Camila asked, ally sighed looking at the other two who nod.
"Mila...Lucy one of Lauren's exes told us that...last night she went home with Lauren and, they slept in the same bed and reconnected" mani said, camila laughs.
"Guys...that's bull, I live here and last night it was Lauren and I reconnecting trust me" Camila said, Lauren smiles giggling.
"But thank you for...whatever you just did, Lauren hasn't and will not cheat on me" Camila said getting up, Lauren nods to agree with camila and camila kisses Lauren.
"Wait you live here?" Dinah asked, camila nods grabbing Harry's bag
"And if you don't mind, I-I mean Harry has a play date with sofi" Camila said, Lauren giggles wrapping her arm around camila.
"You have a play date too" Lauren said, camila giggles
"We need a play date" Lauren chuckles at camilas words and nods
"I'll sort something out" Lauren said, camila smiles and looks at the others
"I mean, you can come" Camila said getting her shoes on as Lauren got Harry's and her own on
"Yeh sure" ally said, the other two nod and they leave
Over camilas parents house Harry and sofi played as the girls talk to camilas parents, they talked for hours and even had dinner over there.
Camila gets up from the floor and walks to Lauren sitting on her lap, she wraps her arms around Lauren's neck and kisses her as Lauren wraps her arms around camilas waist. Everyone watched with a small smile, except for the kids they was in their own world playing.
After a while it was time to go, when they got home Lauren put Harry in bed and then the two got in their own bed.
"Baby, why would Lucy lie about hocking up with you?" Camila asked, Lauren shrugs
"I don't know, just don't worry about it okay, you know it's not true and I definitely know it's not, I would never do anything like that or anything to hurt you at all, I love you baby girl" Lauren said, camila smiles placing her hand over Lauren's that's on her cheek.
"I love you too Lolo" Camila said, she cuddles into Lauren and they both fall asleep with smiles

FanfictionLauren-23-rich-has a 2 yearold son-works alot Camila-18-just finished high school-lives with parents and sister