Camila walks up to Lauren in her dress as the music starts to play, Lauren smiles biting her lip at her soon-to-be wife.
"Wow" Lauren said, camila smiles with a blush
"You look great" Lauren said
"You too" Camila smiles, Lauren smiles and the guy starts to talk, Harry comes with the rings and Lauren smiles.
Lauren puts camilas on and then camila puts Lauren's on
"I do"
"I do"
"You may kiss"
"I love you" Camila said, Lauren smiles
"I love you too" Lauren said, camila leans forward and kisses Lauren, everyone claps and Lauren kisses camila back.
They go and dance, Lauren wraps her arms around her wife's waist, camila wraps her arms around her wife's neck.
"Told you I would marry you" Lauren said, camila giggles
"Yeh... you did" Camila said, Lauren smiles kissing camila
They talk to everyone who came and couldn't stop smiling, they was sat down with their friends and family.
"You want to know the worst thing about marrying you is?" Camila said, Lauren frowns
"Babe! At least wait until a week!" Lauren said, camila giggles
"I always thought I'd be with Harry styles" camila said, they all giggle and Harry comes
"You have a Harry" he said opening his arms, camila giggles nodding picking him up and sitting him on her lap.
"Yeh, the best Harry" Camila said, he smiles cuddling her chest, camila smiles at Lauren who smiles back.
"This is the best day of my life" Lauren said, Harry frowns
"Hey!" He said, they all giggle and Lauren kisses his head
"Joint first" Lauren said, he nods
"Good" he said, he goes back to cuddling camila
"Yeh...joint first" Camila said, Lauren frowns
"Since when did you have a child? Well...biological" Lauren said, camila giggles
"No...meeting you was the best day of my life" Camila said, Lauren smiles getting up and kissed camila who kissed her back.
"I love you so much Camz" Lauren said, camila smiles
"I love you so much too Lolo" Camila said, Lauren smiles and kissed her again

FanfictionLauren-23-rich-has a 2 yearold son-works alot Camila-18-just finished high school-lives with parents and sister