When Lauren woke up she ran to camilas bathroom and threw up, camila was there holding her hair back and rubbing her back.
"I'm a mess" Lauren sighed sitting against the toilet, camila straddles her lap cuddling her
"No you're not Lolo no you're not" Camila said, Lauren holds her tight and close
"Is everything okay?" Camilas mom asked, camila looks at her nodding softly
"Lauren's just hungover" Camila said, Lauren had her head on camilas shoulder not looking at sinu
"Oh hunny, I'll go make some breakfast" Sinu said, camila nods and gets off Lauren's lap, she gets a new toothbrush and passed it to Lauren who brushed her teeth.
"Lo, why did you get drunk?" Camila asked, Lauren sighed
"I don't even know" Lauren said, camila nods and they go downstairs sitting at the table, Lauren had her head in her hands and camila got her water and aspirin.
"Thanks" Lauren said, camila nods and played with Lauren's hair, Lauren smiles at her and camila smiles back.
"Camila can you wake your dad up please" Sinu said placing the food down, camila was still stood behind Lauren playing with her hair.
"Sure" she said, she covered Lauren ears
"DADDY!! COME QUICK!" She screams like she's getting murdered, her mom sighed and Lauren just kept eating, camila smiles as her dad came running down the stairs.
"What? What's going on?" He asked, camila sat down and motioned to the food
"Mija, you need to stop screaming like that when it's breakfast, one day there could be someone in this house and I won't believe you and stay in bed" he said, camila shrugs.
"Lauren will be here" Camila said, they all looked confused
"What, I will?" Lauren asked, camila nods
"If you keep getting drunk you'll be living here" Camila said, Lauren frowns confused
"Why did I come here?" Lauren asked, camila giggles
"You tried-" she cuts her self off looking at her parents, she then went to Lauren's ear covering her mouth so her parents can't see/hear.
"You tried to have sex with me on the couch" she whispered, Lauren frowns grossed out by herself
"I did?" She asked, camila nods and Lauren sighed
"I'm sorry" Lauren said, camila giggles resting her head on Lauren's shoulder
"It's okay, it was kind of hot" Camila said, Lauren giggles and they all keep eating
Camila washed Lauren's clothes and then Lauren came down dressed, camila wraps her arms around Lauren and Lauren did the same.
"I need to go get harry" she said, camila nods and looks to see her parents not looking, so she kisses Lauren who smiles kissing her back.
"I'll see you later" Lauren said, camila nods smiling and Lauren goes saying bye and sorry to camilas parents.

FanfictionLauren-23-rich-has a 2 yearold son-works alot Camila-18-just finished high school-lives with parents and sister