Lauren was out shopping for some new clothes with her friends from work, as they was walking around the mall, they hear.
"Mila! Get back here now!" Being yelled, a laugh and footsteps running For their life
"No! Got to catch me first!" Was yelled, then they ran into Lauren
"Sorry!" They said and went to run again but Lauren grabs camilas arm
"What do you think you're doi-oh hi Lauren" Camila said, Dinah gets there and looks at Lauren's hand on camilas arm.
"Hey get off her! Don't fucking touch her like that" Dinah said, they all look at Dinah
"She's you're babysitter not your daughter" Dinah said, Lauren pulls her hand back and then camila puts her hand on dinahs arm softly, not like Lauren because camilas hand was resting.
"Dinah, it's's your phone" Camila said, Dinah nods not taking her glare off Lauren
"Dinah stop looking at her like that! She didn't do anything, now go I'll meet you at McDonald's" Camila said, Dinah nods walking off.
"Camila I'm sorry-" Camila cuts Lauren off
"It's fine, where's Harry?" Camila said, Lauren giggles
"With my mom and dad" Lauren said, camila nods
"Am I not meant to be his babysitter?" Camila said, Lauren smiles lightly
"Yes, but I don't want to have to phone you every time I'm out, with out him" Lauren said, camila giggles.
"That's what you're meant to do...that's what makes me money" Camila said, Lauren smiles the Dinah came back.
"Hey, I was wondering if we can get tocobell instead" Dinah said, camila nods and then Lauren looks at her friends.
"We're going too..." Normani said, Dinah nods and walks off, camila sighed following her so the others did.
When they get there camila smiles at Lauren who smiles back, Dinah looks at them with a suspicious look, as did Lauren's friends.
"Oh sorry, camila Dinah...that's Normani and ally, my friends from work" Lauren said, Dinah nods
"Oh, you mean the ones that made you come home at 3 in the morning?" Dinah said, camila sighed
"Dinah stop...why are you in such a bad mood?" Camila asked, Dinah shook her head sitting down with her food. Camila puts her try down going to get a few napkins, when she got back the only seat was next to Lauren. She sits down looking weird as the others are next to Dinah, Dinah had a light smirk as Lauren was just as confused as camila.
As they was eating camila got to know Lauren's friends, Dinah just stayed quiet on her phone. Camila feels Lauren's hand slowly going around her waist, camila looks at her with a soft smile Lauren smiles back.
"It's just comfy" Lauren said, camila giggles as the others look confused
"What's going on with you two?" Normani asked, they both shook their heads
"Nothing, I just babysit Harry" Camila said, Lauren giggles and grabs a napkin whipping camilas mouth, camila giggles and Lauren smiles.
"Yeh, you just babysit Harry" ally said, camila nods and they all keep eating and talking
"Mila, I got to go, my mom just text me...this" Dinah said, she passed her phone to camila
Dinah get home please, your dad and I have to talk to youCamila nods and they say bye camila telling her to tell her what it was about, Dinah said she would and walks out calling a cab.
"Is everything okay with her?" Lauren asked, camila shrugs
"She's going to tell me when she knows" Camila said, Lauren nods rubbing her side with the hand around her waist.
Lauren drops camila off home, Camila said goodbye to all 3 of them and goes in. Dinah didn't text camila until 10:35pm, camila was led in her bed and watch some Netflix when she got the text.
My Nan diedCamila:
DJ I'm so sorryDJ:
Yeh...I'm just going to sleepCamila:
Okay, I'm so sorry for your lostShe didn't get a reply back, she puts her phone down but another text came through
Hey, did you like my friendsCamila:
Yeh they was niceLauren:
Good, is Dinah okay?Camila:
No her nan diedLauren:
Oh, tell her I'm sorry and praying for herCamila:
I will in the morning I think she fell asleepLauren:
Okay, how are you?Camila:
I'm fine just a little upset for DinahLauren:
I understand that, are you free tomorrow?Camila:
Okay because I've got work, then I have a meeting, then I've got to plan out some new stuff for the company, it might be a late night.Camila:
Okay, what time should I be there?Lauren:
9:30am latestCamila:
Okay I'm going to get some sleep thenLauren:
Okay, night CamilaCamila:
Night Lauren

FanfictionLauren-23-rich-has a 2 yearold son-works alot Camila-18-just finished high school-lives with parents and sister