* 4 weeks later*
Lauren called camila to go over hers and when camila got there Lauren smiles, they sit on the couch and camila looks at Lauren.
"So, I'm going to be home tomorrow...and I'm going to be gone today, can you babysit Harry for that time? You can sleep in my bed" Lauren said, camila sighs because this is the second time.
"Lo, what are you doing?" Camila asked, Lauren moves closer to camila and rests her head on her shoulder, she gives her a pout and puppy dog eyes.
"Pweaseee" Lauren said, camila nods and Lauren kissed her cheek
"Thank you Camz, I promise when you wake up I'll be here...it's just Normani needs a day with me, her boyfriend broke up with her" Lauren said, camila nods and Lauren gets up and says good bye to Harry, she kissed camilas cheek thanking her and leaves.
"Hey bud" Camila said
"Hi...why mama gone?" He asked, she picks him up and sets him in her lap
"Grown up stuff, how about we play Lego's" Camila said changing the subject, he nods and they do they also play cars and watch a few movies.
Camila cooks them food and Dinah comes over for a bit, they talk while Harry plays
"I got to stay here because she won't be back until early hours" Camila said, Dinah sighed shaking her head.
"It's so ridiculous that she's leaving her kid with you basically 24/7" dinah said and camila started to get a little protective of Lauren.
"I mean, it is my job and I do get paid a lot for just babysitting Dinah" Camila said, Dinah nods taking a sip of her coke.
"Yeh, you get paid loads because you're basically the kids full time mom" Dinah said, camila shook her head.
"Are you calling Lauren a bad mother?" Camila asked, Dinah nods
"Yeh! She doesn't spend time with her son, it's always you!" Dinah said, camila stands up
"She's the best mother! You know nothing about her! you best leave!" Camila said raising her voice, Dinah shakes her head getting up and walks to the door.
"I'll see you later" she said, she closed the door and camila sighed looking at Harry, he walks over to camila and camila picks her up and sits him next to her.
"Hey, your mom is the best mom there is, never take her for granted okay" Camila said, he nods and yawns.
"I'm tired" he said, camila nods and puts him to bed, she then gets into some of Lauren's clothes and gets into Lauren's bed, it doesn't take long to fall asleep.
Lauren comes home 5am she gets dressed and climbs into bed, waking camila in the proses. Camila groans rolling over, Lauren smiles and camila sighed.
"Told you I'd be here when you wake up" Lauren said, camila pushes her down cuddling into her, Lauren giggles and holds her close and tight.
"Yeh, you're here...now you can hold me and as I sleep" Camila said, Lauren giggles and nods
"Okay, go back to sleep then little one" Lauren said, camila nods hiding in her chest and Lauren kissed her head.
"Night" Camila mumbled and fell asleep.

FanfictionLauren-23-rich-has a 2 yearold son-works alot Camila-18-just finished high school-lives with parents and sister