the one at the first night in the hotel

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The sun was coming up as we drove along the coast line of whatever state we were in. I watched the ocean as we drove along. Lucas had his head on my shoulder and was dead asleep. Johnny and I were the only two awake,

"So, Mark, how are you feeling?"

I sighed,

"Good. How are you feeling?"

"Good as well."

He sighed and leaned his head against his palm. His elbow was against the window. He was only driving with one hand. He started messing with his hair as we sat there in silence for a couple minutes. He sighed as he began to talk again,

"Are you happy?"


"Are you happy?"

"Yeah, I am."

I smiled a little,


He sighed,

"You're my little brother, I didn't check on you as much as I should have when you were with Henry, I don't want to make the same mistake now."

I frowned a little,

"Do you feel guilty about what happened between me and him?"

I saw him nibble on his bottom lip in thought in the mirror,

"Yeah I do. He didn't treat you right and I didn't talk to you about it. I know you don't need me to protect you, but I still want to make sure you're okay."

"You've been like this since I was in middle school. I know you want to protect me."

I said as I smiled a tiny bit. I could tell he had been up for awhile because he's getting really sentimental. We have deep talks often but this is was different kind of,

"Well back then when we'd take turns picking you up from school, the first time I ever came to get you, I saw how those kids used to treat you. I saw how you cried but tried to hide the fact you were crying when you saw me walking towards you. Since that day, I've been like this. I... Look, I know we aren't blood related and I'm going to be your brother in law, but..."

He sighed heavily before continuing,

"You're still my baby brother. I haven't known you for even 10 years yet but you're important to me. I hope you know that."

I smiled,

"I know, hyung. I've always looked up to you. You're just as important to me as Taeyong-hyung is. I mean you've raised me along with him for years."

He smiled a little but then he said,

"I probably just rambled a little but my point was this: I sat back and watched you be unhappy with someone who didn't deserve to have someone as good as you for nearly 2 years. I didn't say anything. He didn't deserve you. You were so good to him and all he ever did was make you feel bad. I should have done something."

"Hyung, it's in the past now. I'm over it. I know I deserve better than what he had to offer. But now I have Lucas. He treats me right. I promise."

His lips tugged into a slight smile,

"I know he does. And you're actually happy. I haven't seen you genuinely this happy in a long time. Last time you were this happy was the day Tae and I got custody of you. I still remember how happy you were when I pulled up to that goddamn house."

He shook his head,

"You were only there for a couple weeks but it was hell for all three of us. I didn't sleep thinking about it, Tae didn't sleep and I'm sure you probably had a hard time sleeping too. I felt so bad that you even had to go back in the first place."

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