the one with the proposal(s)?

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Today was the day. I was nervous as fuck. It's the middle of the night and I can't sleep. Mark is laying dead asleep next to me. I was running my hands up and down his smooth, bare skin. He was warm against me as he slept peacefully. I sighed. I really love him. I also really don't want to fuck up this proposal because of that. He's everything I want and more. I can't lose him. I won't lose him but there's still that fear that I might fuck it up.

I was working myself up. My breath was going all panicky and I was hyperventilating. I felt Mark shift and he sat up,

"Mm baby?"

His eyes opened a little and he noticed me panicking,

"Yukhei, what's wrong?"

He pulled me to sit up and started rubbing my back,

"Baby, breath."

He said. He started to kiss my shoulder and my breathing calmed a little and he kept kissing up towards my neck. He kissed up my neck slowly to my jaw. Mark turned my head and asked,

"What's the matter, honey?"

I shook my head,

"Just stress..."

He nodded and said,

"Well if that's the case... let me distract you."

He moved to where he was straddling my lap. He put his hands on my cheeks and pressed our lips together softly. I put my hands on his waist and when he pulled back for air I said,

"Baby, you don't have too-"

"Sssh... Let me take care of you."

"But Mark, you have to be up early and I don't you want to be worn out or tired and..."

"Please, let me? I really do want you right now. And you need to relax some."

"Are you basically asking sweetly if you can ride me?"

He bit his lip and nodded,

"Okay. I guess it would calm me... and make you feel better."

He smiled and kissed me softly again,



"Did that help?"

Mark asked out of breath as he laid next to me. I nodded as I tried to catch my breath,


"See. Told you."

He sounded sleepy now,

"Come here baby."

I said as I lifted one of my arms. He scooted closer and laid his head on my chest,

"Are you going to be able to sleep now?"

"Mhm, definitely."

"Okay. Goodnight. I love you."

"Goodnight, I love you too."

He kissed my jaw chastely, before putting his head back on my chest. He soon fell asleep and I was alone with my thoughts again. But this time they weren't bad.

I'm so lucky to have him.

Is the last thing that crossed my mind before I fell asleep.


We were backstage in the green room, Mark had just finished performing and was now cuddled up to my side. His head was on my shoulder and he was humming in thought,

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