the one where they just basically have fun the enitre chapter

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(a/n: hello! i havent updated in nearly a month, so to make up for that, here's a slightly longer chapter that usual! i'm sorry i went ia for awhile. just some shit going on in my personal life, but i promise i'll try to upload more often!! also i updated the cover anyway bye bye  - love, vi)




I responded to my cousin as I walked to the kitchen where he was about to start baking something,

"Cookies or brownies?"

"Umm cookies?"


He started grabbing stuff to bake and I laughed a little,

"What are you baking for?"

"It's relaxing for me."

"Ah okay."

I jumped up on the counter and adjusted the shirt I was wearing,

"How are you adjusting to being here?"

I asked as I swung my legs,

"Good I think. I miss my friends though."

I nodded,

"That's understandable... I have one more question."


"Which one of them do you have the crush on?"

I wiggled my eyebrows and noticed the blush on his face,

"Why are you asking?"

"If you don't tell me I'm just going to start guessing. Theres 8 of them."

His freckled face was now very pink,

"If you guess I'll tell you."

"Okay. I dont think Jeongin is your type. Hyunjin?"

He shook his head,


He shook his head. I was a little shocked,

"Damn I thought it would be him. Minho and Jisung I think have a thing for each other so it's neither of them. So that leaves Seungmin and Chris."

I gasped,


He nodded shyly as he started mixing ingredients,

"You like an older man? Wow!"

"He's only three years older!"

I laughed,

"You're so red!"

He laughed a little and kept making the cookies,

"Are you going to like... confess?"

He shrugged,

"I don't know... I'm not even 20
yet and he's almost 23. He probably wouldn't be interested."

"You never know until you say something about it. Hell, Lix, I'm marrying a fucking model because I took a chance."

He nodded,

"But I don't know if I want to be his boyfriend. I mean yeah I want to hold his hand and play with his hair and do all those domestic things. But is that the same thing?"

I laughed,

"I mean I did that with Lucas before we started dating but we were in love so... I mean you could have a platonic relationship like that if you want!"

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