the one that skips forward five months

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I heard my fiancé call from down the hall. I stood up from my spot in our bedroom floor and walked to where he was in the living room,

"Yeah baby?"

"Come here!"


"Just come here!"

He said as he patted the spot on the rug next to him. I smiled and sat down next to him,

"You've been working all afternoon. I wanted you to take a break from a minute."

"You're so sweet."

I said as I laid my head on his shoulder,

"What are you doing?"

"Instagram live."

"Oooh. Hi people that like my fiancé!"

I giggled as I waved and a bunch of comments rushed in,

"Oh they want know how you are doing, baby."

"Oh! I'm good! Thank you for asking!"

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and sighed,

"So anyway, like I was saying: Mark has been working really hard on new music so look forward to that... umm I have a few surprises in store as well, but you'll have to wait for those..."

"Did they ask about things coming up?"

He nodded,

"Yeah they did. They also asked what you were doing so I answered both questions at the same time."

"Cool, cool. How long have you been doing this?"

"Umm like 15 minutes."

"How long was a I working?"

"When did you start working again?"

"Umm like at 5 this morning?"

"Well then about 10 hours."

I gasped,


"Yeah. It's 3 pm babe."

I was shocked. I got so caught up in working I didn't even realize."

"I know. Did you even eat the lunch I brought you?"

"Yeah I did!"


I yawned and stretched a little,

"My back is stiff."

"Well you have been sitting in our bedroom floor for 10 hours."

"I'm trying to get this song done so I can have it out on... the date it's coming out on! It's the single for my upcoming album."

"Do they know about the album?"

He whispered quietly. I nodded,

"I announced it last week."

"Okay just making sure."

He then squinted as he read a comment,

"Isn't Mark's birthday this week? Is he excited? Ah yes, it is! His 21st birthday is this Sunday. And I'm not sure if he's excited or not. Are you excited babe?"

"I mean kind of... not as excited as I get for Lucas's birthday though."

"Oh on my birthday this year, he made me a sappy video and wrote a song. He says I'm the romantic one."

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