the one with problematic news sites

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The next day we were in the airport and walking together,

"Ugh, I'm so tired."

Lucas said as he dragged his feet along,

"Well we did stay up kind of late. So it's understandable."

He squeezed my hand a little as he swung our hands a little,

"So what are we looking for exactly?"

He asked as he glanced at me,

"We're looking for a place that sells headphones. Mine broke the other day remember?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot."

He giggled and I reached up to pinch his cheek,


He smiled and we walked down through the airport,

"There's an electronic store, let's go there!"

I said as I dragged him to the store. I looked around and found the headphone section and started looking around,

"These ones are cool."

Lucas said pointed at pair of Beats that were red and had some design on it,

"Yeah they are... but they're not my style."

"Right... what about these ones?"

They were light blue with a little stripe of gold on them,

"Hmm... I don't know. I like them but I'm not sure..."

Lucas put arm across my back and his hand on my hip,

"Do you want a pair?"

I asked glancing at him for a second. He shook his head,

"No I'm good. I have my airpods because I'm not an android user unlike my fiancé."

"Hey! I use a Mac for work and I use an iPad!"

"I don't see why you don't just cave and buy and iPhone."

"Because I just got this one."

"You got it like 9 months ago."

"It's still new!"

"I guess that's true."

We stood there for a few more minutes and then I said,

"I'll just get these light blue ones."

I said as I grabbed them and walked up to the counter. Lucas was standing next to me and when the person said how much it is, he handed the guy his card. I glared at him,

"I was going to pay for them!"

"Eh, doesn't matter now."

He said as the guy handed it back to him. I huffed and turned back to the counter. The guy put the headphones on a bag and handed it to me,

"Have a good day!"

"You too!"

Lucas and I said at the same time. We then walked out and I sighed,

"You're going to have to let me pay for my own things sometimes."

"Hey, I normally do. I just felt like paying today."

"I know... but I feel bad."

He kissed my head,

"Don't feel bad, babe. Now come on, let's get some snacks."

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