the one with the concert

411 19 13


We had just arrived at the venue and we saw Eric on stage, just laying there. I pulled Lucas by the hand in through the door with me and called out,


He jumped up,

"Hey! Get up here so we can get you all ready for sound check!"

I let go of Lucas and ran up to the stage, I was excited. Lucas walked up as I stood in front of Eric,

"Hey! Max get the thing for me!"

"Why do I have too?"

"Just do it!"


Max returned with a brief case lookin thing and Eric smiled excitedly,

"Ooh you're gonna love this."

I flapped my hands in excitement and jumped a little,

"What is it, what is it, what is it!"

I heard Lucas giggle and say,


In the distance but I ignored him. Eric turned the case to where the latches were facing me. He unlocked them and said,

"So... since this is your first show that's not underground... I felt the need to get you a lil somethin somethin."

He opened it and I gasped,


It was a microphone and in-ear set. They were dark blue and shiny and in silver at the bottom of the mic it said, Mark Lee in cursive and in one of the in-ears it said ML in the same font. I loved it. I covered my mouth and jumped,

"You didn't!"

"Yeah I did!"


I clapped and turned to Lucas,

"Babe, come look at this!"

He walked over to us and he saw it,

"Woah that's cool!"

I hit Lucas's chest out of excitement and smiled,

"Oh my Jesus. Wait."

I calmed a little,

"How much do I owe you?"



"Mark! Consider it a birthday gift."

"My birthday is on like... two weeks."

"Okay fine an early birthday gift."

I pouted,

"Eric, this is too much."

"Nope! Just accept the gift!"

I groaned in frustration but then said,

"Okay okay."

He handed me the box and said,

"Go backstage and meet with our sound people and they'll get you all set up!"

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