Main Story- Chapter 6

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     I woke up, luckily without any horrible pain. I looked over to my right, and saw Lucifer asleep, slumped over his arm. I giggled a little bit.
     The door creaked open, and Barbatos walked in with a tray of tea.
    "Oh, you're awake. I'll tell Lord Diavolo and the nurses." Barbatos walked over and set the tray on my lap, softly. Turns out that a small plate of steaming bacon and eggs was on there too. I smiled, suddenly really hungry.
     "Why would you bring me tea if you didn't know I was awake?" I asked.
    "Oh, the tea was for Lucfier, who has conveniently fell asleep... again." Barbatos explained. I smiled, and Lucifer jerked awake.
    "Gah! Oh, Barbatos. Did I fall asleep again?" He asked. He looked towards me, and then his eyes widened.
    "MC! You're awake." Lucifer said. He yawned, and I started grinning.
    "Indeed I am. Tea?" I asked him. I poured him a cup, and he accepted.
     "If there's anything that'll make me feel better, it's tea made by Barbatos." I said. Barbatos smiled.
     "Noted." He said.
     Then, a familiar face bursts through the door.
     "MC decided to finally come to Devildom, huh? How have you been feeling?" Diavolo asked. I looked up, eating a piece of bacon.
     "Better. I just need to relearn how to walk, and I could use a massage, but other than that, I've been feeling better." I said. Diavolo laughed and grabbed a cup of tea off of the tray.
     "I assume I can have at least one cup?" Diavolo asked, motioning to the cup. I nodded. I finished my bacon and set the tray next to me. I swung my legs off of the bed.
     "Ugh, do I need a nurse when I try to walk again?" I asked.
     "It would be ideal. I'll go get her." Lucifer said. Good. He probably needed to wake up anyway. He shut the door, leaving only Diavolo, Barbatos, and me.
     "I finally get to tell you something funny about Lucifer." Diavolo said, filling in Lucifer's seat.
     "Oh, really?" I asked. Who doesn't want to hear something funny about Lucifer?
     "He actually cried a little bit when he left. I didn't know how to handle it, cause I've never seen him cry before." Diavolo said. I laughed. I can't believe Lucifer would cry over me.
     "Yeah! I've never really seen him express his emotions about someone like that before." Diavolo said, not losing his enthusiasm.
     "R-really?" I asked. My smile got bigger, and I think I may have blushed a little bit.
     "Yeah! He-" The door cracked open, cutting off Diavolo. Lucifer peeked his head through, looking at the both of us.
     "I got the nurse, are you ready to... walk?" Lucifer asked. I guess he couldn't find the right words. I nodded, and he smiled at me. I know in going to sound cliche, but...
     Does he like me?

Obey Me- Lucifer X Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now