Main Story- Chapter 36

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     "Not so fast." The voice said. I spun around, hands in the air. Maybe I can test my strength on this one. He had a dark gray hoodie on, mask covering his face. He held a shiny gun, and he was ready to shoot me or Lucifer whenever he wanted to. It wasn't the Other Asmo.

     "Tsk tsk tsk, I expected better. A gun? You guys still use that down here?" I asked calmly. Lucifer shrugged.

     "Some demons still use them. They don't hurt that much when they hit me, so I think you'll be fine." Lucifer explained, keeping his calm tone but slowly inching towards me to protect me.

     "Great." I said, pushing past him and feeling two wings sprout out of my back and horns popping out of my head.

     "MC," Lucifer started. I waved him away. The guys hands started shaking, and I took a step forward.

     "Why are you using a gun? Shouldn't you be using your powers? He's scared. Is he a lower level demon?" I asked, peering at the demon like a child at an aquarium.

     "MC, I think he's c-"

     "But why would he come after us?" I asked the demon. Even though he was probably thousands of years old, he looked like he was in his late twenties. He was shaking even more, I must've scared him.

     "A-Asmoday sent me." He stuttered. I raised my eyebrows.

     "Asmoday? We have a full name!" I exclaimed. "Does that ring a bell, Lucifer?"

     "No, it doesn't. But listen, I think Asmoday may be using the grimoire to control you right now." Lucifer said. I spun around and looked at him. I feel... powerful. I was smiling, but it soon faded. I snapped out of the spell for a second. He is controlling me. I need to use this chance to talk to him.

     "I know. I can't help whatever I do next. Just, try to hold me back. I don't mean to do this, okay?" I said. Lucifer nodded.

     Then everything went black. I thought I passed out, but I could still feel my body moving. My legs were moving, I was laughing, my arms were moving without control. Okay. I don't if I can, but I need to try to fight back.

     ASMODAY! HEY, ASSHOLE! CAN YOU HEAR ME?! I yelled in my head. It seems my thoughts are the only thing I can control right now.

     Interesting, MC. I was waiting until you were going to yell something. A chilling voice replied, a smile in his voice. I would say that it sounded like it was coming from my head, but... it was.

     Asmoday. That's your name. Where are you?! I asked. The chilling yet familiar voice chuckled.

     Asmoday is indeed my name. But you've probably never heard of me. No one has. My reputation is nonexistent, but the few that I'm known by don't like me that much. Asmoday said, basically whispering.

     Listen. I don't give a damn about your reputation here. Once I find you, I'll erase you from the face of this E- erm... realm. Give me back possession of my body. I ordered.

     You're so naive. I don't understand why Lucifer likes you so much. Maybe I should just have you kill him. Then the guilt will weigh on your shoulder for the rest of your existence.


     Oh, yes. I can make you watch, if you'd like. But imagine if your soulmate... the one you were destined to be with... died at your hands. How do you move on? Can you?

     SHUT UP! You don't know me! Give me back my body!

     MC, I've known you ever since you first came to Devildom. I know everything about you. I had to wait until you finally became a demon to make my move. Lucifer being your soulmate was a pro and a con, but I suppose it won't matter once I kill you both.

     You must've forgotten one thing about me.

     And what would that be?

     That I love dramatic moments, and I don't give up! I yelled. I started grasping for any control I could. I tried pulling my arms back. I tried imagining what would be in front of me, but it was fuzzy. Asmoday was tugging back. I tried to yell.

     "Lucifer! I'm here! Lucifer, help!" I yelled.

     I don't think it worked. I need to take back control.

     Dammit, Asmoday! STOP! I yelled. The voice scoffed.

     Fine! But mark my words. If you come after me, it'll only make things worse. Have fun killing yourself, and having the people you love die while you do it.

     Then I fell back. I hit the ground, my head smacking against it. I could see, the sky slowly turning dark because night was falling.

     "Ahh... L-Lucfier. Lucifer!" I yelled, sitting up and making my head spin. Lucifer rushed to me, supporting my back with his hand and cupping my face with the other.

     "MC! I-is that you?" He asked, his eyes full of concern and pain. I looked at him. His nose was dripping blood, and the edge of his lip was doing the same.

     "Lucifer! Did... did I do that?" I asked. I reached my hand up and wiped the blood of the edge of his lip. He flinched and slowly pulled my hand away.

     "No, MC. You didn't do that. Don't worry." He whispered. I stood up, trying to balance.

     "A-Asmoday. We need to get him. Where is the guy? W-with the gun?" I ask. I spin around to Lucifer. He sighed.

     "He ran off. Well, stumbled off. Are you alright?" Lucifer asked. I nodded, though my head still hurt.

     "Lucifer, what did I do to that guy?" I asked. Lucifer looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

     "Are you good enough to walk? We have an Asmoday to catch." He said, poking his arm out like we should link arms. He smiled a little. As much as I wanted to know what I possibly could have done, I forced a smile.

     "Let's go kick his ass, soulmate."

    (Just like I said, I love dramatic lines.)

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