London Trip- Chapter 4

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     I woke up, the sun blasting through the windows and glass door that leads to the terrace/balcony. My eyes started hurting, and I shielded the light with my hand. That's when I realized that two strong arms weren't wrapped around me. And I was no longer warm! I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I looked over to my left. Where's Lucifer?

     Then the bathroom door opened.

     I swear to Gord, if I have to deal with Lucifer's abs again-

     Luckily (but kinda unluckily), Lucifer was fully clothed, his eyes closed while he ran a hand through his hair. SHIZZLE. I probably look like garbage, while he- once again- is looking like a friggin gentleman.

     Once he actually opened his eyes and (I tried to fix myself up in the 1 second that his eyes were closed), he glanced at me with a small smile.

     "Ah, good morning, MC. I was about to wake you." He said, standing at the doorway of the bathroom.

     "I'd recommend getting ready. We have festivities to get to." Lucifer said, walking out to the terrace/balcony.

     "F-festivities?" I mumbled, getting up. I grabbed clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

     Once I got in the shower, I started semi-panicking.

     "Festivities?" What does that even mean?

     Something wierd I bet. You know how Lucifer is.

     Gah! W-what? A-Asmo?! Asmoday?!

     Yes. Just, calm down.

     Get out of my head! Aren't you in jail? We ripped and burned the page in the grimoire!

     I-I know. But, uh, for some reason, I still seemed to be linked. Please don't panic, I beg of you.

     Can you s-still take over my body?

     No. I come in peace. Y-you don't understand. I-I've come to my senses.

     Why are you so nice? What are you planning?

     Nothing, I promise. But since I'm here, I would like to make a deal.

     You want to make a deal? "I'm not planning anything, I promise." He said. What's your deal?

     It's a good deal. You keep me company while I... wait here. And I'll give you some dating advice cause you desperately need it.

     Shuddup! I'm fine with my dating life. What do you mean "wait here"?

     I'm in prison, as you know. But, I won't be in here for much longer.

     What? Are you planning to escape?

     No. Death sentence.


     Yes. Did you not realize that manipulating, controlling, and using a grimoire on another demon is highly illegal?

     I- I... I'm sorry.

    Don't worry. I'm fine with it. I've accepted it. I'm just curious to see if I can still be connect with you when I pass.

     I, um... I don't know what to say.

     Don't worry about it. I would worry about not taking forever in the shower because Lucifer might think you are dead.

     Frick! I stepped out of the shower, got dressed, and tried to make my hair look a bit decent.

     I looked in the mirror. I looked... a little better.

     Are you really just here to help me?


     Are you sure?


     Answer truthfully: How do I look?

     ... meh. Lucifer will like it no matter what, though.

     Now, how so you know that?

     Cause he's obviously interested  in you. Whatever, go out and do your "festivities".

     What's that tone? Nevermind.

     I stepped out of the bathroom, looking over to Lucifer. He was out on the terrace/balcony, looking at the city.

     What a cliche.

     So are you.


     I walked out to the terrace/balcony and leaned against the rail. The view was really pretty. I could see the Big Ben. Woah.

     "Pretty." I said, motioning to the Big Ben. I looked over to Lucifer, but he just smiled and looked at the clock.

     "Good." He said, grabbing my arm and gently tugging me toward the door. "Cause that's where we are going first."

     "W-wha?" I stammered.

     Hehe, I can't wait for this.

     Shuddup Asmo!

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