Main Story- Chapter 32

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     "W-what do you mean?" I asked. Lucifers hand crept up to mine. Lucifer pulled my hands off of his face and held them. He looked at me curiously.

     "How can you go from wanting to kill me to being so kind?" He asked. I laughed.

     "Wow. You are a hypocrite!" I exclaimed. Lucifer chuckled.

     "Alright, alright. Are you feeling okay?" Lucifer asked.

     "Excuse me? I'm perfectly fine. Are you okay?!" I exclaimed.

     "Yes. I feel fine. Since we heal faster than humans, I'll be fine." Lucifer said. His gloved hands were still entwined with mine.

     "Listen. I am so so so sorry." I said. Waves of guilt crashed over me.

     "It's fi-" Lucifer started.

     "No. It's not. I was stupid. I'm sorry. I should've listened. We need to be a team to stop this guy. I need you guys." I said. Lucifer smiled.

     "Now, I don't want to say 'I told you so'..." Lucifer said, grinning. I scoffed.

     "You just don't know when to stop, do you?" I said, smiling too. The door cracked open, and Asmo peeked his head in.

     "Heyyyy~, lovebirds. Do you guys need anything?" Asmo asked. Lucifer stood up, letting go of my hands.

     "Nothing you can provide. I'm going to take a shower." Lucifer said, strolling towards the door.

     "But what about your shoulder?" I asked, making Lucifer stop. Asmo still had his head peeked through, watching the show. Lucifer spun around, a devilish smile on his face.

     "I'll be fine, MC. Unless you would like to join me and make sure I'll be fine?" Lucifer asked, still grinning. I felt my face turn bright red and Asmo giggled with delight.

     "Woah! I-I uh, um..." I stammered.

     "I'm just joking." Lucifer said, walking towards the door and slipping out of the room. Asmo looked at me like he was annoyed and disappointed.

     "Girl, you should've taken that offer!" He exclaimed. My face stay red and I glared at him.

     "Shuddup Asmo!" I yelled at him. He giggled again and slipped out of the room.

-----Time Skip because I dont want to write all of this rn I'm tired-----

     After about 15 to 30 minutes, I walked over to Lucifers room. He has to be out of the shower, right? I want to apologize. Again. I feel like garbage. I softly knocked on his wood door, not getting an answer. I looked over to a hallway that was by Lucifers room. Where does that lead? I snuck over and looked down the hallway. One door was on the left, and door was on the right. Both doors, were far away. The one on the left probably led to his room, right? So where did the one on the right lead to? I was about to go investigate, when the door on the right opened. I hid behind the wall and peeked.

     Lucifer stepped out, steam coming from the bathroom. A towel was wrapped around his waist and water dripped from his jet black hair. His eyes were closed, still feeling the warmth of the water and steam.

     Oh. My. Uh... Cheez-its?

     Underneath Lucifer's red vest and big jacket he had, like, an 58 pack. He was ripped! And he was dripping with water, steam seeped from the bathroom, it was like a fantasy. My face turned a crimson red and I put my back against the wall. Did he see me? I tried to calm my breathing down, but my inner fangirl was screeching. I wanted to leave, but the imprint of an absolutely ripped Lucifer stuck in my brain. My feet couldn't move. I was looking at the floor, my face red and a huge smile on my face.

     Then a drop fell on my head. Uh oh.

Obey Me- Lucifer X Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now