London Trip- Chapter 34

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     I sat in the same leather chair, in the same dreamscape that Asmoday created for me. Once I heard the door open, I got up and ran over to Asmo. Without saying anything, I pulled him into a hug. He hesitated, then hugged back.

     After a few seconds of a warm hug, he pulled away. He looked down at me hands then held them.

     "I see you got my present." He said. I smiled at him.

    "Yeah, I quickly went to talk to Diavolo after our conversation. I have something to ask you."

     "What, MC?"

     "You need something to happen before your spirit to finally be free. What is it?" I ask.

     "I'm not sure, MC. But we'll find out in time. You haven't read the second note, have you?" He asked.

    "No, you told me not to, so I'm not going to." I said, shaking my head.

     "Good. Thank you." He said. He let go of my hands and we both sat down in the leather chairs in front of the fire.

     After some conversation and tea, my mind began to wake up.

     "It seems you're waking up. I'll see you another time." Asmo said. My mind faded and I woke up.

     After weeks of getting myself together and having long talks with Asmo, it seemed that everything was (sort of) back to normal.

     But something kept bothering me. I couldn't find out what Asmoday needed for his soul to be free.

     I was walking through the school, getting myself ready for a school council meeting.

     Diavolo came up to me before I was able to walk into the room with the rest of the brothers.

     "MC, I need to talk to you." He said, a bit urgently.

     "Of course, Diavolo. What's wrong?" I ask, looking up from the notebook I was writing in.

     "I-it's my father. He... died today." He said.

     "Diavolo, I'm so sorry."

     "No, it's fine, but I was thinking about what you said. About Asmodays soul needing to be free." Diavolo said. It clicked for me too.

      "I haven't thought about that. All of this stemmed from his father, so maybe his father dying and you taking over the throne was the final piece of the puzzle." I said. Diavolo nodded.

     Later that day, and after Diavolos coronation, I climb into bed. If this was truly the last thing Asmodays soul needed, then I may never see him again.

     Even though I was extremely worried, I was able to get to sleep.

     I was in the leather chair again, and I immediately stood up. I stared at the door, waiting for it to click open.

     But after... what seemed like so long... it didn't open.

     I started walking to the door. "Asmoday, if you're playing a prank on me, it's not funny."

     I open the door.

     But instead of Asmoday on the other side of the door, it was just white. Just like all the movies, its just white. Forever.

     I close the door behind me and started to walk. It doesn't stop.

     I did a 360° around me. There was nothing but the door that lead to the study. I collapse. He's really gone. His soul is finally at rest.

     I feel tears pool at the bottom of my eyes. I guess I was right. It was his father.

     "I want to wake up." I mumbled to myself. I dont wanna just wait to wake up.

     Theres nothing left for me here.

     I looked at the door and saw it crumble away.

     I woke up in my bed, my pillow a bit damp from crying. Hes really gone.

     I reach under my bee and grab the box Asmoday gave me. I opened it up and grabbed the note on the bottom.

     When I unfolded it, there was nothing written on it. I looked over at his gloves.

     Once I slipped them on, I saw the ink appear. It was some sort of magic connecting the gloves and the note.

     I started to read Asmodays delicate handwiriting.

—Authors Note———————————

That's right, a cliff hanger. I just wanted to double check if you guys are emotionally ready for this.

In other news, I'm still waiting for more questions for the Q n A.

Here's some stuff you can ask me about:

Favorite food, number, animal, etc
Family (but nothing too intrisive)
And other things you may be curious about

So please feel free to ask questions! I actually can wait to do the Q n A! I'd like to do the Q n A before the finale chapter, so I want a BUNCH of questions.

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