Main Story- Chapter 37

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     "This is the place. Are you alright?" Lucifer asked, slipping his arm out from around mine. I looked at the building. It was definitely suspicious indeed.

     "Let's do it." I said. "I-I, Lucfier, if I do anything stupid or... dangerous, please know that I-"

     "I understand, MC. You can't control it. Just, please don't hold yourself accountable for actions you have no control over. " Lucifer said. I nodded.

     "So, do we sneak in, or...?" I whispered.

     "He's expecting us. I'll keep fighting even if you start getting controlled." Lucifer said.

     "Okay." I said. We stood in front of the door, which looks as shady as the building. "So do we break in?" Lucifer kicked the door open, the lock breaking and the door slamming open.

     "Pfft- That was awesome." I laughed. Lucifer just shrugged his shoulders and walked through the door. I followed, stepping on a metal balcony of sorts, it lined the entire wall with step leading down to the main floor. It was almost like a basement. On the main floor, bookshelves lined the walls and there was a stack of books on an island in the center of the room. It was very dim, and I couldn't see much. Asmoday was standing of ther the table, peering down at a book that was flipped open.

     Gloves dull your power. I remembered. I slide off my gloves and motioned for Lucifer to do the same. I shoved my gloves in my pocket. We both swapped to our demon forms.

     "I know I might've made you angry, but you don't have to break my door down." Asmoday called up to us. He still stared at his book but after a beat he looked up and smiled.

     "Oh, I get the lovebirds. I thought it was going to be one of you, but when I took control of MC I realized I was going to have even more fun." Asmoday said.

     "Why do you want control over me?" I asked, my voice echoing over to him. He chuckled the same evil chuckle that came through the speaker on the robot.

     "You know, I truly hate to repeat myself." He said. Me and Lucifer ran down the stairs and glared at him.

     "Alright. You've unleashed my 'true power'. What else do you want from me?" I asked.

     "That was only part of my plan. Showing your true powers was just the beginning." Asmoday said. He slowly slid his black gloves off.

     "You're a snake." I said. He laughed even more.

     "You don't know how right you are." He hissed, his emerald green eyes glimmering.

     "Fine. I don't wanna listen to your evil villain speech. Shut up and fight us." I said, my hands itching to shoot a fireball in his face. Lucifer stepped forward, asserting dominance and providing protection. His eyes were full of anger and he launched forward. Asmoday tried blocking and failed. Asmo did counterattack, and I wanted to launch towards him. But I noticed the book he was reading.

     I ran towards the table, grabbing the book and looking at the page. A single drop of blood was on the bottom. My blood. I shut the book and threw it. Maybe that'll help something. I looked towards the two boys grunting. I was going to help, when Lucifer was tossed across the room and hit the concrete wall. He slumped down, but I could tell that he was still conscious.

     He lunged towards me, and I ducked and he flew over me. He tumbled and shot back up. I shot a wave of fire at him, which sounds odd to say, and his right arm sizzled. I don't know what degree those burns were. They probably hurt though. Asmoday growled and waved his hand, a small purple bundle of energy came soaring towards me and hit my chest. It made me step back a bit and pain ripped through my torso. I was dizzy and had to focus back.

     Lucifer jumped from behind, attacking Asmo even though he looked like he was about to faint. Asmo retaliated, knocking Lucifer off for a second. He started mumbling to himself, staring at the book on the floor across the room. Shit. I went to shoot another little flame at him, but he shot a huge purple energy ball thing at me. It threw me back to the wall, which was closer than I thought. My head hung and my vision was slowly going black. Am I passing out? I'm getting controlled, aren't I?

     "Stop!" I yelled, even though I knew it won't work. Lucifer realized what was happening and struck Asmoday in the back of the head. It didn't knock him out, which was unexpected, but it knocked him on the ground and he continued to mumble. I tried to pull myself back up, but I fell back down mid-way and fell into darkness. He's took control.

     NO! Asmo, give me back control! I yelled in my head, pulling back any power I could.

     I warned you, and now your soulmate will die. With his blood on your hands. Asmo yelled back. I heard him groan, Lucifer must've hit him or something.

     Get out of my head! I yelled, pulling for power over my arms and legs.

     "Get out of their head!" I heard Lucifer yell, his voice faint.

     I have to say, your boyfriend is very difficult. And I-


     I snapped awake and stood up to see Asmo hit one of the bookshelves. He hit the floor, but still stood up. I realized where I was. I had Lucifer pinned against the wall, and I think I was about to kill him or something. I set him down and turned towards Asmo.

     Asmoday smiled, blood dripping from his nose and his face already forming bruises. He went to take a step forward, but-

     Someone wrapped their arm around Asmo's neck, their power strong enough that he couldn't get out. A realization hit me and I reached into my pocket. I pulled out the old chloroform rag and looked at the helper that put Asmoday into a chokehold.

     "Diavolo?" Lucifer asked. Diavolo smiled, still holding Asmoday. I ran over and held the rag over Asmoday's mouth. He tried to fight back, but Lucifer came up and pinned Asmo's arms to his sides. He slowly passed out and fell to the floor once we all let him go.

     I stepped back and looked at Diavolo, whose outfit looked sloppily put on and his hair was ruffled. He sighed and looked at me.

     "I didn't think this would happen." He whispered.

     "You do know him, don't you?" I asked. I knew I should have asked him earlier. He sighed again.

     "Yes. I never expected my brother to do something as foolish as this." Diavolo said. Lucifer took a step back in shock and I let out a small gasp.


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