London Trip- Chapter 19

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     I stirred awake. I think its morning now. I looked at the clock. 9:02. Okay, not a bad time to wake up. Lucifer wasn't holding me anymore, but I think he was still asleep next to me. Asmoday must be asleep too.

     My D.D.D started buzzing.

     Are Mammon and Asmo calling again?

     I grabbed the phone and looked at the screen.

     Watson 1

     Who? OH, the Detective! I jumped out of bed and grabbed my D.D.D. I walked out to the balcony. I looked out at the city.

     "Hello?" I ask.

     "It's Detective Williams." Luke said.

     "Oh, Watson 1! Anything new?" I ask.

     "I forgot about the Watson 1, heh." I heard Luke say under his breath. "Anyway, yes, we have new information." Luke said.

     "Which is?" I ask.

     "Well, you probably haven't turned on your television, because another homicide has been reported." Luke said.

     "Really? Was another pocket watch found?" I ask.

     "Yes. If you truly want to help with the investigation, come to the station. If you dont come by soon, I'll assume that you wont help." Luke said. I heard the line click right after. He hung up.

     "Rude..." I mumbled, turning around to walk back into the room.

     Do I want to help with the investigation still?

     I set my phone on the bedside table and flopped back onto the bed. I closed my eyes.

     Maybe I can fall asleep and teleport back to Devildom.

     I heard shuffling from the other side of the bed.

     Lucfier woke up!

     I heard him roll out of bed and the bathroom door shut.

     Can I... open my eyes?

     I heard the shower start. I opened my eyes in shock.

     Oh my Gord. Ah shizzle. He's taking a shower.

     I need to tell him about the recent murder. I want turn on the TV, but then Lucifer would know that I was awake.

     I just sat there, hearing the shower and thinking.

     ... Asmoday?

     No reply.

     Suddenly, the rushing of water from the bathroom stopped abruptly.

     Should I pretend to sleep again?

     As I was considering what to do, the doorknob to the bathroom started turning.

     I'm too late!

     Lucifer stepped out, and my eyes widened.


     "Gah!" I gasped, making Lucifer look my way.

     "Oh... sorry, MC. I... left my clothes out here." Lucifer said.

     "Nope! Uh, n-no! It's fine!" I stammered, my face getting hot. mY oNe TrUe WeAkNeSs!

     Lucifer grabbed his neatly folded pile of clothes off the side of the bed and started walking back towards the bathroom.

     "Oh, by the way..." I started.


     "U-uh, nevermind, I'll tell you after you get dressed." I said, looking at the ground. I fiddle with my hands in my lap.

     I heard footsteps come towards me.

     Lucifers ungloved soft hands cupped my chin and tilted my head up, making me look at him.

     Lucifer gave me a passionate kiss, his breath hot and my cheeks pink.

     "I'm sorry." He whispered as he pulled away. He turned away and walked back towards the bathroom.

     Lucifer shut the door to the bathroom.

     I shoved my face in one of the pillows and screamed with joy.

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