London Trip- Chapter 8

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     "H-hey!" Lucifer stuttered. Before I clicked the button, I kissed Lucifer on the cheek.

     I pulled away and looked at the photo. My eyes were closed and I was kissing his cheek, and Lucifer looked shocked and his cheeks were tinted pink.

     "Hahaha! This is my new favorite photo." I said. Lucifer frowned.

     "Y-You better delete that photo." Lucifer growled.

     "Nope! I told you I would get payback!" I exclaimed.

     "No you didn't." Lucifer stated.

     "I... said it in my head."

     No you didn't.


     "Fine. Are we even now?" Lucifer sighed. I nodded with glee.

     And that's when I saw it.

     Lucifer followed my gaze then looked back with slight terror.

     "MC, don't..." He warned.

     Don't do it, MC...

     "Ice cream!" I basically yelled. Lucifer sighed and put his head in his hands.

     "Not again." He said.

     "Pwetty pwease?" I asked, using puppy eyes again. Lucifer looked up and smiled.

     "Fine." He grumbled.

     "Hehe, every time." I whispered to myself with a smile. We both started walking towards the ice cream truck.

     After waiting in like for like 20 seconds, we walked to the window on the truck.

     "Hiya! What can I get ya?" The man asked, his accent strong. We both ordered.

     "Alright. And a discount for the couple?" The asked, point between the two of us with a smile.


     "Sure!" I exclaimed, lacing my fingers in Lucifer's and holding out hands up to show the man. The man smiled and walked off. Lucifer looked at me like I was crazy.

     "....... discount." I said, shrugging.

     After a little bit of waiting, we got our ice cream, paid, and walked back over to the car. We leaned on the hood again and kept looking at the Tower of London.

     "Have you ever heard 'If the ravens leave the Tower the Kingdom will fall...'?" Lucifer asks.

     "No, what's that about?" I asked.

     "At least 6 ravens are kept at the Tower of London at all times, for superstitious reasons. The flock of resident ravens even includes a 'spare'. Each raven has a wing clipped to make sure they don't fly too far from home." Lucifer explained.

     "Interesting." I said.

     "And another thing, it's a haunted house." Lucifer said. I let out a small gasp.

     "No way!" I exclaimed.

     "Yup. Several ghosts are said to be residents of the Tower of London including Henry VI, Catherine (the fifth wife of King Henry VIII), Dame Sybil who was the nurse of Prince Edward and even a grizzly bear that once live in the tower." Lucifer explained.

     "Wow. A grizzly bear?" I ask, baffled.

     "Yup." Lucifer said. The sun was setting over the Tower of London, turning the sky and clouds a beautiful pink, orange, and red.

     Wow, was Lucifer always this cute?

     Was Lucifer always this smart?

     Was he always so nice?

     Was he always so sweet?

     Was he always so concerned about me?

     Was he always so considerate to someone?

     Okay, Asmo. Stop making fun of me.

     I'm not. I was actually asking those questions.

     Why would you ask those questions?

     Because I've seen that you have changed Lucifer.

     I have?

     You have.

Obey Me- Lucifer X Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now