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"Sleeping beauty, your prince is here to wake you." Is the first thing that I hear in the morning. "Go away kai, let me sleep." I groan turning away into the pillow, "sleeping beauty do I have to kiss you?" He asks in a taunting tone. "Yes." I say, "woah really?" He asks and I turn to face him with a grin, "no I was kidding." I say getting out of bed. "Buzzkill." He murmurs. "Can you please get out." I ask a ask I grab some of my moms clothes from the closet. "I could stay and help you." He smirks, I laugh and begin push him out, "out." He laughs with me, "fine fine I'm going."

We end up walking through the woods to find Damon and Bonnie. "Me, I say, because I will kill Kai and anyone, who comes in the way of me going home." We hear Damon say. "I heard my name. All good I hope." Kai says as we appear from behind some trees. He uses the ascendant as he looks up and blocks the sun from his face with it. "The eclipse will happen directly overhead." Kai looks at Damon and Bonnie who are shooting him glares. "In perfect alignment with the Gemini constellation." He looks toward Damon, who looks right back, angrily. "You, need to dig into the tunnels below us." He instructs "Why?" Bonnie asks confused.

Kai pauses for a second and then speaks to her slowly as if she were a young child, "Have you never portal jumped through an eclipse before?" When Damon and Bonnie don't look amused he takes a step forward. "Okay look, the light of the eclipse will shine down and activate the ascendant, you spout a little witchy woo and then poof!" He gestures an explosion with his hands, ooh witchy woo I like that, Bonnie raises her eyebrows. "Anyone standing in the circle of light holding the ascendant goes home."

"By 'witchy woo', I assume you mean the spell?" She asks, "Uh-huh." Bonnie scrunching her eyebrows like she always does, "Let me see it." She demand making Kai pause, "When the time comes." Did he even have it? He steps forward and pushes past them. "Where are you going?" Damon asks slowly turning to look at Kai who turns around smiling, "Into town, I need to..gather some important supplies. Wanna come Thea?" He asks, I shrug and then nod, "sure." He waits for me to catch up and then, he whistles as we leave.

I actually end up going back to my house to pack some special things that were lost in the fire. But Kai and I met up again just as he was getting a pager. "People don't use pagers in the future." I tell him making him jump. "They were very cool in this decade though." He pouts, "bring it along anyways then, for the memories." I smile, he smiles back, "you need to get anything else?" He shakes his head and his bag, "I'm all good here so let's go." I nod and we make our way back into the forest.

"Looks like we got back just in time." Kai grins as he goes to set down his backpack when Damon zooms forward and snatches the pack, he tears it open. And begins reading what's inside. "Zima, grunge, every Alex Rodriguez rookie card in demand, and a pager. Really?" He doesn't sound impressed and drops the bag on the ground. "555-Hi-Kai, no way I'm giving those digits up except maybe to you." He says shooting me a wink making Damon groan. "These are the important supplies you needed to get?"

Bonnie is suspiciously watching the two from the dirt she's sitting on. "Look. The future sound great, all right? I'm superexcited about the Internet, but 1994 has been my home for most of my life. I'd hate to get homesick. So let's get down there..." Bonnie stands "No." She walks forward, pushing Damon out of the way, who attempted to stop her. "We are not going anywhere until you show me the spell."

"Okay." He says with a smile as he stands still, basically saying that they aren't going. Damon and I look at each other in confusion, "Are we literally not going anywhere?" He asks. "Fine, you don't want to show me the spell? Then you can do it yourself." Kai smiles, suspiciously. "You...want my magic." She holds out her arm. "Take it. Kai"

"Uh-oh, she's being brave." He says looking towards Damon and I. "I'm serious Kai! This was your big threat, wasn't it? If I do the spell and let us out of here, you'll just take my magic, leave me for dead, and do the spell yourself. So go ahead. Take all of it." Damon looks worried, and Kai looks down at Bonnie. "Don't mind if I do." He slaps both hands on her shoulders and she yelps in pain, nearly going limp in his arms. "Bonnie?" Damon and I call to her worried, "It's okay, he won't kill me." She says just managing to speak. "Doesn't look like that from here." Bonnie grunts in pain again. "OW."

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