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Jeremy was leaving we had compelled him into art school and we had also compelled him his diploma. In a way I was glad remembering how amazing it felt to be away from this drama ridden town, plus I wanted Jeremy to live his life normally, Elena and I had lost that opportunity but he hadn't and I didn't want him to.

I had gone to find him, I wanted to speak to him since I still hadn't had a proper conversation with him, "You know I'm a vampire, right, a big sister with nearly perfect senses who can sneak up on you without making a sound. Really sucks for you. Give it." Elena and I coincidentally end up finding Jeremy at the same time. "Damon gave it to me, and technically, it's from Ric's girlfriend's stash." He defends and I see why cause he has a blunt in between his fingers, "Well, Damon is an idiot, and Alaric conveniently disappeared. So I can only yell at you." Elena says as he hands it over. "Yeah. Ric left. He was worried someone might recognize him when he's supposed to be dead." Jeremy explains making me remember how strange our lives actually are. "Right. That hadn't occurred to me. Our lives are so weird." Elena huffs making me snort, "That's the understatement of the century." They both turn to me with smiles.

"Give me your lighter." Elena says after a moment surprising both Jeremy and I. "What, really?" Jeremy asks as we share a glance in disbelief. "Yes. I just decided that me smoking a joint with my little brother and my sister might be the most normal thing that we've done together in years." She says, "older sister." I correct making her roll her eyes, "twin sister." She says "can you both stop, you've done this my whole life." Jeremy groans making me laugh. "Well technically I am the oldest out of the three of us." I shrug ruffling his hair as he groans, "only by 5 minutes." Elena retorts as she shoots me a knowing look, making Jeremy groan even louder, I smirk knowing we were just doing this to irritate him. "That's a whole three hundred seconds." We look at each other and Jeremy's face before we both burst out into laughter. "Aaah that will never get old." I say wiping a fake tear as Jeremy pushes me. "You're literally so annoying, that's one thing I'm glad I'm leaving behind." He says, "ditto." I shoot back.

Elena and Jeremy actually did smoke the blunt, I however did not guess I was the boring one but I didn't like the smell. Watching the two of them was pretty entertaining. "Let me have your car." Jeremy asks Elena. "No way in hell." She scoffs. "Oh, come on. I'm moving to a new town, starting a new life. I need a car." He tries to fight his point. "And it has to be mine?" She asks and he shrugs, "Just compel yourself a new one." He tells her making me nod, "he has you there." I back him glad he wasn't asking for my car. "Oh, God, how many cars you think we've destroyed? Like, more than the average family, right?" Elena asks making us think.

"Mom and dad's station wagon. That's one." Jeremy starts us off, "That SUV I got for my birthday." Elena adds, "Katherine wrapped my car around a light post." Jeremy speaks again as they both turn to me, "there's the two I crashed." I shrug, "That's 5."

" They really didn't give us many fries, did they?" Elena asks as runs out of fries, "Yeah, they did. You just ate them all." We tell her as she starts to snicker. Her phone rings and I start to laugh once I see who it is, "Hmm... Oh, my God, we're so busted." Elena says eyes widening, "Dude, just click ignore." Jeremy laughs making Elena join in, "Dude, I am. Ha ha! Oh... it's official. I am the world's worst sister." She says her laughter stopping quite quickly. "Don't be stupid." Jeremy tells her quickly, "I am. Mom and dad died, and what did I do? I let you be Jenna's problem because I couldn't deal. I shut you out. I shut everybody out." She sighs making me look down, I shut everyone out too. "But I never thought that made you a bad sister. If anything, it was nice to have someone to go through it with." Jeremy tells her and I nod, "When you got better, that's when I felt the more alone. That wasn't your fault. You were healing. I wasn't plus I had Thea, who probably took the longest out of us to heal." He says turning to me, "did you ever even heal?" He asks before Elena's phone rings again. I tune her conversation with Damon out and instead decide to start a silly face war with Jeremy.

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