𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕚𝕩

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We actually hopped into the car and started to drive to Vegas, on the way down I rang Caroline wanting her to be our witness she didn't answer so I left a voicemail, and then I rang Rebekah I also wanted her there

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We actually hopped into the car and started to drive to Vegas, on the way down I rang Caroline wanting her to be our witness she didn't answer so I left a voicemail, and then I rang Rebekah I also wanted her there.

"Have you gone bloody insane?" I laugh at the disbelief in her tone as I look over at my husband to be, "maybe, but we want you there." She sighs and I can basically hear the smile that takes over her face, "alright I'll meet you there." She tells me hanging up.

I compelled us onto a flight knowing that driving the whole way would take way too long. I looked over at Kai both of us laughing as soon as we connect eyes, "are we really going to get married?" I giggle really excited, he nods, "I guess we are." He laughs just as excited. "I love you." I smile my heart warming as he returns it, "I love you too." He murmurs leaning forward to connect our lips.

We get to the agreed upon hotel and I am shocked to see more than one Mikaelson stood there waiting, "What are you all doing here?" I ask in shock, "well Thea I have been telling you that we're family and family do typically show up for these sorts of occasions, also I for one was quite upset when I found out that Rebekah had gotten an invite to this wedding and I had not, as your favourite Mikaelson, I should've been first to know." Klaus says moving forward from the group to give me a hug, "get over it, I didn't even invite my real family." I tell him, "that's because your sister is a dreadful cow." Rebekah says pushing Klaus away to hug me. "She's not that bad." I defend laughing at the look Rebekah gives me.

"Hi, congratulations, I hope you don't mind me crashing the wedding," Hayley says taking a step forward with baby Hope in her arms, "not at all, I mean we're letting Klaus stay so we couldn't do much worse than that." I smile at the girl I had briefly met back in mystic falls back when she and Tyler has been plotting against her current baby daddy. "Yeah the more the merrier right?" Kai shrugs from beside me.

Hope coos and reaches for me, "you wanna hold her?" Hayley asks making me nod, "hell yeah, I've been waiting to meet her." I grin as she settles in my arms and smiles up at me, "hi there." I whisper a smile taking over my face, she was so beautiful, "Kai look at how precious she is." I coo turning to him, I watch his eyes soften as he looks at us, Hope smiles at him and grabs his finger and I can basically hear his heart melt. "She is super cute." He grins as we both fawn over the baby who adores the attention, "I'm your aunt Thea." I tell her, "and I'm your uncle Kai, the cooler of the two." She laughs and nods her head as if she can understand what's being said.

"As adorable as this is, if I'm not wrong we have a wedding to prepare for." I turn around and beam at my best friend, "Care you made it!" Kai takes hope into his arms as I turn to hug Caroline. "Of course, I wouldn't miss my best friends wedding for anything." She sighs into my shoulder before pulling away. "Ok now, we have no time to waste so boys take Kai and get him ready, Elijah I trust you'll be able to find an amazing suit since they're all you seem to wear." Elijah nods but I can't focus on any of that and I can't help but admire the sight of Kai holding Hope, she was smiling up at him and he looked completely enchanted by her.

𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕪 ~ 𝕂𝕒𝕚 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕖𝕣 Where stories live. Discover now