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I walk into the Mikaelson mansion, I was alone so I was kind of nervous to walk into a house filled with the originals and their mother but I just kept my head up and walked in.

It was really beautiful and I had to stop myself from looking around in awe, I moved  further in to blend with the large crowd, I stay back and watch as I see Damon begin to approach Tyler's Mom. "Hello, Carol." He says as he hands her a drink. "Hello Damon." She says with a smile, "Hanging out with your new besties?" He asks making her sigh quietly, "I'm the mayor, Damon. When the oldest, deadliest family of vampires moves into your town, you welcome them with a smile." She justifies taking a sip of her champagne, "Well, at least you know who you're borrowing that cup of sugar from." She gives him a look, "They've assured me they want peace, and I've assured them that I'd enforce it." I watch as a handsome man makes his way over, he must've been one of the originals.

"Mayor Lockwood. We haven't formally met. Kol Mikaelson. I hope your lovely town embraces us just as much as we plan to embrace it." He tells her whilst kissing her hand, he had a nice accent. "Damon Salvatore." He introduces holding his hand out, Kol doesn't greet him back. "Have we met?" He asks. "I've met a lot of people, And you don't particularly stand out." He says as he walks away making me want to laugh.

Elena then walks in, looking beautiful in her dress. "Excuse me Carol." Damon says as she catches his attention. "What are you doing here?" She asks after after jumping as Stefan had snuck up on her. "I could ask you the same thing." He doesn't seem very bothered though. "Surprise, surprise. Nice tux." Damon says to Stefan as he joins them, before he looks at Elena. "You're not supposed to be here." She smiles at him, "Well, I am, And I'm not leaving until I find out what Esther wants, so shall we?" Gotta love my sisters stubbornness, Stefan gives her his arm. She looks at Damon, he does the same and they enter together, my eyebrows raise as I watch them, a salvatore on each arm? And she claims she's nothing like Katherine.

"Hello love," I hear from behind me it was the other Mikaelson brother, Kol, "hi." I smile turning to face him, "Kol Mikaelson." He says kissing my hand, "so I've heard." I smirk pushing my hair over my shoulder as I lean back against the table. "Are you not going to tell me your name?" He asks interested, "I mean I could but where's the fun in that?" I ask. "Kol don't bother poor Thea over here." Klaus says as he makes his way over to us, "it's ok he wasn't bothering me." I assure as Klaus feigns a look of surprise, "and you're sure that this is my brother we're talking about?" He jokes making me laugh, Kol doesn't seem to find it amusing though. Klaus looks like he was about to say something when a certain blonde walks in and catches his attention. "Do enjoy yourself Thea and don't be afraid to snap my brothers neck if you have to." He says before making his way over to Caroline.

"Well my brother sure seems to like you." He says, taking a sip from his glass, "what can I say I seem to have that effect on people." I shrug, "so your name is Thea?" He asks and I nod, "Thea Gilbert."  He leans forward, "so tell me Thea, what makes my brother favour you to your sister?" He asks, "well for one I'm not nearly as irritating to him as Elena is and it's not really favouring I just became a bit useless after I died." I tell him, "oh so that's why he doesn't want your blood?" I nod. "I thought it was because he fancied you." He hums making me giggle, "Klaus fancy me? As if he's totally infatuated with my friend Caroline over there." I tell him pointing them out, "and you don't seem to mind?" I look at him confused, "why would I?" He shakes his head, "nothing, I just thought you had feelings for him."

I laugh again, "no you've got it wrong, I don't have feelings for him, I actually think that he and Caroline would make a great couple." I say after watching them for a second. "Well isn't that great news." He smirks leaning closer, "smooth." I smile as I pat his shoulder.

"Thea, I'm glad to see that you made it,  I do hope that Kol isn't giving you any trouble." Elijah says as he appears next to us, I look at Kol in interest before turning to Elijah, "no Kol's been no trouble he's just keeping me company." I smile making Elijah nod, with a polite smile of his own, "glad to hear it, well do enjoy yourself." He says before shooting Kol a look and moving on.

"Seems you're the annoying sibling." I say as I turn back to him laughing as he makes a face, "they're the annoying ones." He pouts, "if you say so." I hum. As we watch Rebekah make her way over, "don't worry Kol's not bothering me." I tell her and she looks at me confused, "how did you know that I was going to say that?" She asks and I smile as I see the face Kol's making, "I've already spoken to Elijah and Klaus." And she nods in understanding. "Well have fun, but when he does start to annoy you, feel free to snap his neck you'd be doing us all a favour." She says before meeting up with Matt? 

"If it makes you feel better I don't think you're annoying." I tell him as he glares at Rebekah's retreating figure. "Uh, if everyone could gather, please." Elijah says interrupting whatever Kol was about to say to me. "I'll be back." He says before rolling his eyes and meeting his siblings on the staircase.

"Welcome. Thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance." He says as his mother makes her way to join them, her eyes meet mine for a fleeting moment and she looks at me in shock before composing herself.

"Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom." Elijah finishes as Kol shoots me a wink. He makes his way down and holds his hand out to me, "want to be my partner?" I look at his hand and then him before I smile and take it. Just as we're leaving I see Elena take Damon's arm with a smile and I see Stefan stood  behind watching them, the hurt on his face makes me frown.

Coincidentally we end up next to Elena and Damon at the start of the dance, "you look beautiful by the way." Kol tells me, "thanks I'd tell you that you look handsome but I think you already know that." I smile turning my head to look at him, ignoring the looks Damon and Elena were giving me.

As we danced I saw Caroline dancing with Klaus which brought a smile to my face, "she doesn't seem to like him very much." Kol says after following my line of sight, "trust me she does she's just trying to keep it from herself."

When it was time to change partners Kol spun me out before pulling me back into him and avoiding the other dancers, "you do know that we were supposed to switch partners right?" I ask him as we continue to dance, "my partner happens to be an excellent dancer and I didn't want to switch because I liked her too much." He shrugs, "well I guess it's great that your partner was thinking the same thing."

My eyes open and I just lay there in the dark for a moment before I sit up and wipe my eyes, "dreaming about your dead boyfriend isn't a great sign that you're ok." I jump as I spot Kai stood in the doorway as he turns the light on, "go away Kai." I roll my eyes as he steps into the room. "I mean he's dead, it's been a few years let it go and move on already." He shrugs, sitting down on the bed, "I have moved on just because I have a moment every once in a while doesn't mean I'm still hung up on him." I say getting out of the bed. "Ok didn't know it was such a touchy subject." 

"Can we just change the subject." I say as he follows me downstairs. "Sure how about we brainstorm ways out of here." He says making me shake my head, "I'm not in the mood for that right now, it's the middle of the night and honestly I just want some alone time, you can go and brainstorm though." I tell him as I start making myself a cup of hot chocolate, "fine, I can take a hint, I know where I'm not wanted." He says before leaving, I sigh and drop my head into my hands.

𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕪 ~ 𝕂𝕒𝕚 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕖𝕣 Where stories live. Discover now