𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕖

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Since Hope could be with her family again, I had been back at the school just doing my job aside from Freya's wedding, I went to that and it was beautiful.

I was just marking some papers when I got a call from Caroline, "hey Care, what's up?" For some reason Caroline had gone to New Orleans, I'd also heard that she kissed Klaus so maybe she was giving him a chance like she should've done ages ago.

"Nothing just checking in," she replies, "yeah everything's good on this end, hey when do you think that you'll be back?" I ask "I don't know probably soon, you know I'm surprised that you're not here." My eyebrows furrow, "why would I go to New Orleans?" I ask with a small laugh, it drops when I hear the silence on the other side, Caroline was hardly ever silent. "Caroline?"

"You don't know?" I feel my heart drop, "know what?" She sighs, what the hell was going on? "Klaus...he's gonna kill himself today's his last day." My mouth goes dry, "he- what?" She was not being serious he couldn't be, "yeah maybe you should get down here, say bye, since you're so close to him and everything." Now I'm the one that's gone silent, "Thea? Are you there?" I can hear her but it sounds muffled in my ears. "Thea?" I snap out of it, "yeah I'm here." I mumble quietly, getting out of my seat and making my way outside.

During my ride down I had a lot of time to think, and try and sort out my emotions, first of all I was sad, sad that I'd be loosing another close friend of mine, second of all I was mad, mad that he was going to leave without telling me, without giving me a goodbye but third of all I was proud, proud that he had finally grown up, matured and started to think about things other than himself.

I get to the compound to find everyone minus Hope upstairs Klaus stood in the middle of them as though he had just walked in. "If this is to be my funeral, then, let's get on with it." He says nobody noticing my presence yet.

"You ass!" Everyone goes quiet and turns to face me, "Thea." Klaus looks relived to see that I am here, and looking at that stupid look on his stupid face I realise that I can't even be angry at him, "you're such an ass." I repeat shaking my head as I feel my eyes starting to sting, I shuffle forwards watching his own eyes tear up a bit as he pulls me into him. I hold onto him like my life depended on it, "you were going to leave without a goodbye?" I hear a sniff, "I didn't want to hurt you." I close my eyes and listen to his heart which wouldn't beat for much longer. "That would've hurt me more." I realise that the others had left the room to give Klaus and I a moment.

"I'm sorry." I squeeze him tighter, "it's ok." I whisper, "my god I never thought I'd say this but I'm gonna miss you." I tell him eliciting a small laugh from him, "I'll miss you too."

"I know that you will, but please look after her." I nod, "I am her godmother for a reason, but you know that I love that girl like she is my own, id never let anything happen to her." I assure him making us both smile. "Ok now I can't hog you, I've got to let the others enjoy their last day with you."

We all ended up sitting down to enjoy one last meal with Klaus, we were all laughing and sharing our favourite memories with Klaus and I just sat there for a moment and watched him the joy in his eyes as we all shared this beautiful moment together.

"Thea?" I hadn't realise that I had been the one that everyone was looking at, "hmm yeah?" I say paying attention to Kol, "we were asking how you liked Klaus?" My eyebrows furrow for a second, "we've all been wondering this for years, when we first arrived at mystic falls you were the only one out of your friends and family, to not despise us and show us kindness, even though we had done some truly horrendous things." Rebekah adds I didn't have to think about it, I knew exactly why I liked the Mikaeslons, when I looked at a person, I didn't see their past or their sins I saw them, and what they truly were or what they could become, I didn't believe that people were either good or bad, the world didn't work like that, I understood that people had layers and sometimes all you had to do was look between them.

𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕪 ~ 𝕂𝕒𝕚 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕖𝕣 Where stories live. Discover now