𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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Matt had given me a call, in the early hours of the morning with some heart breaking news, Tyler Lockwood was dead and it was all Damon Salvatore's fault

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Matt had given me a call, in the early hours of the morning with some heart breaking news, Tyler Lockwood was dead and it was all Damon Salvatore's fault.

I couldn't believe it, I had just seen Tyler a month ago, we took the girls to the zoo, I still remember the smile on his face as he held Arabella on his shoulders and they admired the penguins together. He couldn't have been gone, not so soon.

I met Stefan and Caroline downstairs and we all sat together in silence absorbing this news together, until Matt brought the coffin into the house. We were all sat together as we looked at his pale dead body, I wiped my tears as I looked down at Tyler, I'd been friends with Tyler my whole life, he was my first boyfriend, I mean granted we were seven and it lasted two days, but we tried again when we were twelve, that lasted a week and a half, but then we got together when we were fifteen and that time it lasted two years up until we were seventeen.

Tyler was someone I just thought would be in my life forever, he wasn't the best boyfriend sure, but he was an amazing friend and it was weird to see him gone, "mommy why are you crying?" Kaiara asks, "and why's uncle Tyler in that box?" Arabella adds, I turn to them wide eyed having forgotten that they had been asleep upstairs. "Hey girls, why don't you come with me, I can make you some pancakes." Stefan says softly distracting them, "ooh pancakes yum." Arabella grins grabbing onto Stefan's hand eagerly, "mommy?" Kaiara stays in her place looking at me, "go with uncle Stefan I'll be there in a second." I tell her smiling through my tears to try and ease her nerves, she nods and hesitantly takes his hand.

I compose myself and then join them in the kitchen, "mommy you should try these pancakes they're so yummy, uncle Stefan can you make me pancakes forever?" Arabella asks Stefan as she licks syrup from her hands, "sure I can, but only if you're a good girl for your mom." He chuckles making her grin, "I'm always a good girl." She tells him, "no you're not." Kaira protests making us laugh as Arabella glares at her, "you're just jealous that uncle Stefan's going to make me pancakes forever." She says sticking her tongue out at her sister, who then retaliates by whacking Arabella, "Kaiara, you don't hit your sister like that." I scold making her pout, Arabella then grabs onto her arm and begins to Siphon from her sister who winces, "ouch!" She says trying to pull her arm away as it burns, "Arabella! You don't do that to your sister, you know that." I say pulling her hand away from Kaiara's arm, "she hit me first!" She pouts making me sigh, "Arabella I told her off for doing that you shouldn't hurt each other." I say, "sorry mommy, sorry Ara." She mumbles dropping her head, "you apologise as well." I tell Kaiara, "sorry."

"Now come on let's go and get you cleaned up, you've made a mess." I say observing how they they seemed to have syrup all over their faces and shirts.

"Mommy, why is uncle Tyler sleeping in that box." Kaiara asks after I clean them up and change them, "well sometimes, people go to sleep in a special way, and they don't wake up." I start off not really knowing how to explain death to them, "for how long?" Arabella asks, "forever, but it's ok because the sleep is very peaceful and calm." I tell them, "so uncle Tyler isn't going to wake up?" They ask sadly, I shake my head at them, "no, but that's why here's here in the box, it's called a coffin and it's a special kind of bed, so that after we say goodbye, we're gonna put uncle Tyler away somewhere safe so that he can sleep nice and peacefully." They nod, "but I don't want to say goodbye." Arabella sniffs, "I want uncle Tyler to wake up and take me to the zoo again." She cries making her sister cry as I hug them.

𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕪 ~ 𝕂𝕒𝕚 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕖𝕣 Where stories live. Discover now