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I smile out at the view from my balcony, I watch the soft colours of the sunrise as they begin to light the sky. The past month I had spent traveling with Enzo was amazing, I had never felt so at peace before. I close my eyes and listen to the soft waves as they lap over each other.

My phone rang startling me from my silence. I was confused when I saw it was caroline I had spoken to her three days ago and it was around midnight back in mystic falls. "Hey care what's up?" I ask as I answer, I hear her sobs in response worrying me, "Care what's wrong, are you ok?" I ask already beginning to pack my stuff. "Thea I did something stupid, I need you, can you come home?" She cries into the phone, "of course I can Caroline I'm on my way." I say zipping you my suitcase and running over to Enzo's room.

He opens the door, smile dropping at the panic on my face, "we need to go back to Mystic falls Caroline needs me." He nods, "ok don't worry love I'll get us there as fast as possible." He tells me and I nod.

We get there for around eleven am the next day, Enzo tells me he has something to to do anyways and so I just rush to Caroline's house. I see her sat with her mom who looks like she's trying to not cry. I walk in and she hugs me. I wrap my arms around her as she sobs into my shoulder. "Hey it's ok care what's going on?" I ask sitting her down as Liz excuses herself.

"My mom has cancer and they can't cure her so I tested it on another patient who had the same condition and I thought it healed him and so I fed her my blood, but it doesn't cure it, it's just going to kill her." She tells me and I am honestly so shocked I didn't even know that Liz was ill. "It's ok, we'll figure something out, you know that no one will let anything happen to her." I reassure her knowing that now was not the time to ask why she didn't tell me.

"I'm sorry for calling I just needed my best friend." She says as she wipes her tears, "don't be sorry, I'm glad you called me, you know that I'm always here for anything."  She nods, "can we change the subject I just want to think about something else, anything else." She asks and I nod, "where were you?" She asks and I smile as I explain how beautiful Italy was. "And Enzo compelled me a whole villa so it's mine now I own it and it's so beautiful I'm going to take you one day." I tell her as we waited for her mom to be ready for us to go to the hospital. "That sounds amazing." She grins.

I go up to see if there's anything Liz needs after Caroline steps out to answer a call, I find her sat on the bed with her head between her hands, I knock on the door and she looks up, "hey Liz." I say quietly stepping into the room, "hey Thea honey I'm glad you're here." She tells me as she stands to hug me. "How're you feeling?" I ask, "I'm ok I know she didn't mean for this to happen but this is going to crush her." I shake my head, "it's all gonna be fine Liz, We're gonna find a way to stop this, I know we will." I tell her and she nods and we go down.

We walk to the hospital me providing distracting conversation for the both of them. "Hey, no offense, but could someone tell me why I was called down here to listen to the story of Colin the Cancer Vamp?" Damon says as we walk into the room where Stefan, Elena and the doctor were waiting, that doctor looked really familiar but I didn't pay much attention to it.

"Because Caroline fed me her blood last night. So the same thing is gonna happen to me." Liz says making Caroline look down. Elena ends up leaving and then Stefan goes after her a while later, leaving just me Damon, Caroline and the doctor who ended up being Kai's twin, when I figured it out I felt a bit disappointed, did that mean Kai was dead? I pushed those thoughts from my mind needing to focus on the situation at hand.

Jo comes up with an idea to give Liz a blood transfusion so Caroline goes to tell Stefan and Elena. Damon also goes somewhere else, leaving me and Jo, I glance at her awkwardly. "You're the girl that helped my brother get out of his prison world aren't you?" She asks after a second, I nod, "Um well he actually didn't need me but yeah, I'm guessing since you're stood here you won the merge?" I ask, she smiles at me kindly making me feel kind of bad, "no we haven't merged yet, my brother is at Alaric's apartment we have him sedated until I learn how to do magic again." She tells me and I nod feeling relived that Kai wasn't dead.

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