𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣

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The next couple of weeks went smoothly I guess, I mean I did have to rummage through Tyler's family things for some old bone with Alaric, and Elijah did technically die and Hope had been possessed but the mikaelsons had done what they did best, fight for each other and win.

The only downside was that the four siblings weren't able to see each other ever again, nor were they able to Hope which I knew was crushing Klaus, he'd only just met her after spending five years apart from her.

I was just walking around the school grounds thinking things over, three students had gone missing, well not missing but Alaric has informed me that they had been expelled, for the murder of some innocent kids from Mystic Falls.

I was worried about one of the girls in particular her name was Jade, she was a vampire and I was concerned because this was not like her at all, jade was a sweet girl, very sweet. Wendy her friend a witch with a knack for lighting things on fire was pretty sweet too, she was one of those girls who acted tough but was really just scared on the inside. The last one was a wolf Diego, I didn't know much about him but he seemed to be a hothead like the rest of the wolfs. He didn't seem to be a murderer but if I was being honest he was the only one out of the three that I could see intentionally inflicting harm on others.

I was mostly worried about Jade because I handled the vampires I helped them with their control and their powers but I knew Jade the best out of those three kids and now I couldn't get into contact with her, it was like she had disappeared, there was no trace of her at all. I knew that she wasn't on speaking  terms with her family, and so I had no clue on where she would even go. Something was up, every time I asked Alaric about it he'd shrug me off and say he didn't know where she was.

I was just so confused, Jade had been training to be an EMT since she was sixteen, she wanted to help people not hurt them. I shook my thoughts off and went out to the field maybe I was just being paranoid, she must've just fled in fear or something.

I was confused to see a familiar little red head stood there talking to some of the children, I looked across to see her mother talking to Alaric. I make my way over not wanting to interrupt Hope having a good time.

"Hey Hayley what's going on?" I ask she looks over at the smile on her daughters face and grins, "I'm giving hope what she's always wanted, a chance to be normal, well as normal as she can be." I nod looking over at the young girl who seemed to be very excited, she caught my eye and ran over excited, "hey cutie." I smile as she jumps into my arms, "aunty Thea guess what?" She says rapidly her voice full of glee, "what?" I ask humouring her, "mom's finally letting me join the school." She tells me, "finally, I've been waiting for this day." I say making her giggle, "are you gonna be my teacher aunty Thea?" She asks, and I shrug, as well as taking care of the vampires I spent a lot of the time with the younger students. "Maybe if I'm lucky." I wink. "Now don't waste your time with boring old me." She nods and finds a small group of children about her age to speak to.

Alaric leaves Hayley and I for a second, "do you know how Klaus is?" I ask her she shakes her head, "I was hoping you did." We both sigh, "you'll hear from him soon, I'm sure." I try and keep her hopes up. I look at her and then away, "Kol's doing fine too, he actually got Davina back, the hollow resurrected her." I feel a small pang in my chest but I smile and nod, I was happy for him, I was, he deserved to be happy with Davina.

"I'll look out for her." I assure Hayley as I nod towards Hope she sends me a knowing smile, "I know you will, you always have."

𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕪 ~ 𝕂𝕒𝕚 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕖𝕣 Where stories live. Discover now