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Sunlight pours into the room, making my eyes open

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Sunlight pours into the room, making my eyes open. I wince as my eyes adjust and sit up with a groan, why did I have such a bad headache?

When I look up I'm met with my friends and their pitying glances, I've had those stupid looks given to me too many times now. "Well you look like crap." Tyler is the first one to speak, "thanks Tyler you're charming as ever." I grin at him, if there was one thing I could depend on Tyler for, it would be the fact that he would always and treat me normally, knowing that I didn't like to talk about my feelings.

"Do you uh need anything?" Matt asks, "well other than a shower not really." I shake my head stretching as I stand, watching their frowns deepen. "Thea we have to tell you something." Stefan says seriously from beside Tyler. I give him a look to continue, but before he could say anything Kai walks into the room. "Alright so I got a bunch of Thea's clothes not knowing what she'd pick." He says as my eyes widen, "Kai?" He smiles at me. "You're awake, finally." I look down at the still bloodstained dress I was wearing and then at Alaric in shock.

"When I went back in to grab his body, he was awake." He shrugs, before I look back at my husband my eyes narrowing, I grab a pillow from the couch and throw it at him with full force. He yelps, dropping the bag in his hands and catching the pillow.

When I run out pillows to throw I grab the glass from beside the couch and watch as my friends all take a step back, Kai ducks narrowly missing the hit as the glass smashes against the wall behind him. "Thea why are you throwing things at me!" He exclaims confused, "you stupid, stupid- I thought you were dead!" I shout at him, "I was dead!" He shouts back, lowering the pillow he had been using to protect his face.

"But you didn't have any vampire blood in your system." I say confused, "ah actually I did, before the wedding Claire accidentally tripped me up, I fell and sliced my cheek open and then she started going on about how we didn't have time for me to go and get stitches so she gave me her blood." He shrugs, I use my speed to run into his arms and I hug him as tight as I possibly could. "Don't ever do that again, that was the fourth time I've watched you die." I mumble into his chest, "are we really gonna forget that you killed me, two out of those four times." He laughs making me push him, "it's ok that first time you killed me it was pretty hot." He winks making me scoff.

"Ok now here, go and shower, as hot as you are covered in blood, I don't think you wanna walk around like that for much longer." He says handing me a bag full of my things.

After my much needed shower, I found out that everyone was here because we were saying bye to Elena, everyone offered for me to go first whilst we waited for Caroline and Bonnie so I nodded.

Stefan took me to where they were keeping her, Damon was already stood in there, he turned and gave me a tight smile, "take your time." He whispered squeezing my shoulder as I walked past him. I stopped at the coffin my hands resting on the sides, I looked down at my sister who lay there, she looked peaceful but she also looked dead. My eyes began to water as my shaky hand reached for her lifeless one.

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