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The next day Kai and I were both back at the Salvatore's back to our research, "Kai," he looks up from his book, "Kai there's a piece of the ascendant missing." He looks at me alarmed, "what no, it can't be, check again." He says jumping out of his chair and reaching for his bag, "Kai, I've looked it's not in the bag it must've fallen out somewhere." I sigh, holding my head in my hands.

"Where could it have fallen out?" He asks, "I don't know it could literally be anywhere in mystic falls or... even in Portland." I mumble before standing, "where are you going?" He asks as I make my way to the door, "to find it, you say here and carry on researching but also maybe look around." I say before leaving I check the car first, before going to my house I check everything in every room before just going to every place kai and I have been in this ghost town I even go, to the tunnels where the ascendant broke, I was digging around in the dirt but it wasn't here.

I run back to the Salvatore's with an idea, I open the door to find it a complete mess, I walk in on Kai throwing a chair, "Kai," he looks at me expectantly I shake my head, "can we try a locator spell?" I ask leaning against the doorframe. He thinks it over for a moment, "I mean we could try but it might not work since we have majority of the ascendant." I nod and grab a map. I hold my arm out to him so that he can siphon of me instead of wasting Jo's magic.

He looks confused, "siphon of my vampire magic." I say, and he's nods once he grabs onto my wrist I keep myself from making any sound at the slight pain. He lets go and then starts the spell. I watch in anticipation as the blood begins to run down towards us, a drop splits off and runs to Portland. I groan and look at him, "we just got back I'm not going back right now we can go later." He nods and goes back to his book, I begin tidying up the huge mess.

"Kai, you wanna take a break?" I ask him as I go back to where he was flipping through books, he looks up at me for a split second shaking his head, "Kai you need to eat something," I tell him walking into the room. "I'm fine." He snaps slamming the book shut, "wow." I breathe out moving to lean against the table, "penny for your thoughts?" I turned to him, "I'm fine." He says with less aggression this time, "I just need to keep working to find a way out." He tells me, "Kai I saw the panic on your face when I told you about the missing piece, it's ok to be scared." I tell him. He looks up at me, "I am scared ok, when you told me I just imagined if we never found it then we'd be stuck here and I just can't be stuck here anymore I can't." He tells me desperately. "Kai listen to me, I promise you that we're getting out of here ok? we're gonna go back to Portland get the last piece and then we're gonna figure out a way to leave this hell hole and we will leave together." I tell him seriously he looks at me nervously and then nods.

"Ok now come on you've gotta eat something." He nods his bright smile taking over his face, "great because I am starving." I shake my head and then make my way to the kitchen.

"Wow Thea, I never knew you could cook like this, boy am I glad I didn't kill you." He moans as he continues to eat the spicy chicken noodles I had made, "honestly I could eat anything you make for the rest of my life as long as it's this good." He continues, "ok Kai I'll keep making you food." I tell him making him beam at me.

"I'm bored." I complain falling on to the couch, "so am I." Kai says joining me. "Tell me about yourself." He looks at me confused, "hi my name is Malachi Parker I'm 22 and I murdered 4 of my sibling." He says making me shake my head, "no tell me something that I don't know." I tell him. "Like what?" I shrug, "anything, you know my whole life story tell me something about yours." Kai ended up telling me some stories from his childhood, I mean most of them were depressing but he had some nice ones with his siblings.

"Thea, Thea wake up." I open my eyes and see that Kai and I fell asleep, right now my heads in the crook of his neck and his arms are wrapped around me, I don't think I've ever been so comfortable before, I look up at him confused, he's still asleep, did I just imagine someone calling me? I close my eyes to go back to sleep, "Thea come on we don't have a lot of time." I gently get out of Kai's grip making sure not to wake him before I see my sister? "Thea." She breaths out a smile taking over her face, "Elena?" I take a step towards her when she smiles sadly at me, "you're ok." She seems relived and I look at her confused, "yeah why wouldn't I be?" I notice how her eyes dart to Kai's sleeping figure behind me making me frown, "he's not that bad, he's actually quite nice." I tell her she opens her mouth to say something, "yeah only cause he has a crush on you." I hear from behind her, making me roll my eyes, "didn't think I'd be seeing you here again." I smiled at him as he leaned against the door. "Well I'm full of surprises what can I say, I didn't feel right leaving one of my best friends with a sociopath." He shrugs throwing me a smirk.

"How did you guys get here?" I ask, "with a spell, we can't stay for long and we can't touch you but we just came to tell you that we're looking for a way out for you, so don't worry we'll find a way to get you out and away from him." I look at her, "what do you mean away from 'him'?" I ask. "We mean soon you'll be safe at home and he'll be here where he belongs." Damon tells me and I shake my head at them. "He doesn't belong here, no one does, and I told him we were gonna leave together and I meant it, I'm not going without him." I tell them plainly watching their mouths drop in shock. "Have you gone insane Thea? We are not taking him home with us." I shrug at him, "ok then we'll find our own way out." I tell him, "Thea you don't mean that." Elena says trying a gentler approach. "I do."

"You like him don't you?" She asks me making my eyebrows furrow, "well I mean yeah I like hanging out with him, but then again he is the only person there is to hang out with." I tell her and she shakes her head. "No I mean like him." I look at confused, "I don't." She doesn't seem to believe me, "Thea you do look at how we just found you," She says frustrated, "that doesn't mean anything we just fell asleep." I tell her but she doesn't seem to take it in. "I know you like bad boys but he isn't good for you." She tells me making me scoff, "just like how Kol wasn't good for me? What are you gonna do kill Kai in front of me as well?" She avoids my eye, "I'm sorry but we can't take him back with us, we just can't he'll kill Jo and the twins." She tells me and I shrug, "well first of all I don't know those people so I don't really care and second like I said that's fine we will find our own way home."

"What did you do?" Elena asks after staring at me, "What?" I didn't do anything? "You're different why what did he do to you." I look at her in bewilderment, "he didn't 'do' anything to me." I tell her firmly, "she flipped her switch." Damon says after a moment. Elena sighs as though that explains everything, "Thea flip it back." I shake my head, "I don't want to Elena." She looks at me in disappointment which has no effect on me, "Thea you can't you'll-" I cut her off, "I'll what, hurt people? Kill people? Newsflash Elena there's no one else here! I don't want to flip the stupid switch back right now but as soon as we get out of here I will flip the goddamned thing ok?" She nods her head a little shell shocked. "You can't keep telling me what to do, it's my life and I can choose who I want to date or who I want to be friends with and you can tell me if you don't approve but in the end it's my choice."

"We're not having this discussion right now, not when you're not in the right state of mind." She tells me, I let out a humourless laugh, "what do you mean?! Can you even hear yourself right now? You sound ridiculous, I am in the right state of mind, and you're not my mom Elena, you're my twin sister, the younger twin as well." Im surprised that Kai hasn't woken up yet but then again knowing him he's probably just pretending to be asleep. "I'm sorry Thea our times up, we can talk more about it when we get you out." She says as they start to fade away. Did she literally just not hear a word that I said? What more is there to talk about.

I sigh and storm to the kitchen making food really helped me take my mind off of things so I ended up making a whole breakfast feast, "wow something sure smells good." Kai hums as he makes his way to the kitchen, "I think I love you." He mumbles as he takes in all of the food set out in front of him. "Yeah yeah." He looks at me, "what's up with you?" I shake my head, "nothing." He gives me a knowing look as he starts to dig into the food, "does this have to do with the visit from your sister?" He asks whilst stuffing his face, I knew he was pretending to sleep.

"How much did you hear?" I ask, "the whole thing, I gotta say your sister may be one of the most irritating people I've ever encountered." He tells me making me crack a smile, "also it hurt my feelings when you said you didn't like me." He says making me laugh, "I said I liked you." I say bumping his shoulder, as I reached over to grab a strawberry.

"No you said you didn't, and you don't know, if you kissed me then maybe your feelings for me would become clearer and you'd admit them." He says making me look at him with my eyebrows raised, "you really think that?" He nods his head, so I lean closer and connect our lips. I pull away to find he staring at me wide eyed in shock, "yeah," I breathe out, "that didn't cha-" He cuts me off by kissing me again. I know I shouldn't have let him and I shouldn't have kissed him back but in that moment any and all rational thoughts left my mind.

"Where are you going?" Kai asked as I got up from the bed and quickly pulled an oversized sweatshirt on, "to eat, I've worked up an appetite."

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