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The rest of the sins were sitting on the living room, boiling in their own blood. They couldn't forget the images San showed them. They were twirling inside their mind.

San was the angriest. Having also seen what happened, it was even more difficult to control the himself.

But the others weren't in any better position. The only thing they wanted, was to just kill those brats. And that would happened at some point. Hongjoong would make sure of it.

They stayed there, waiting patiently, either for Wooyoung to return home, or for Yeosang to come down.

The opening of the door, made them alert, signalling that Wooyoung had come home. He walked inside the living room, completely disiveld.

His hair was sticking to different directions, his chest was rising up and down, blood was on his hands and mouth. His eyes were still their blood like red, but he had a satisfied look on his face.

"What happened?" Jongho asked, smiling seeing the demon like that.

"He's not dead. Yet. But he will be traumatised after this for sure" He said and started laughing.

If anyone were to see him right now, he was probably gonna be scared. Or find him completely crazy.

But not the others. This was natural for them. If anything, they felt the same as Wooyoung. They were more than happy to know that this boy got what he deserve, and in the worst way possible. Who was he to even dare hurt their pup?

The laughter died down when they heard a door open and close from upstairs. Yeosang soon got inside the room, looking all of them.

"How's Seonghwa?" Yunho asked, which earned a hum from the rest.

The demons could see the dreamy expression on Yeosang's eyes and that made them curious.

"Seonghwa is fine"

"And I guess you are too" Mingi said smirking, teasing the demon.

Yeosang nodded and they quickly understood what had happened. They didn't have to ask. The demon turned to look at Wooyoung, seeing him a bloody mess.

"You should go and clean yourself"

"I was going to. What is the pup doing now?"

"He is sleeping I think. And I guess someone needs to go with him"

Hongjoong and San were quick to stand up, walking to the boy's room. They were gonna sleep with him today.

The rest followed them close behind, wanting at least to say good night to their pup.

Once inside the room, they saw Seonghwa curled up in the blankets, soft snores leaving his slightly open mouth.

Seonghwa, when he heard movement inside the room, woke up immediately. He relaxed once he saw the demons, smiling softly at them.

They replied the gesture and Seonghwa felt a pang in his heart. He needed to apologise for his behaviour. That was the only thing that mattered right now.

The previous events for some reason, it was like they got deleted from his memory. He pushed himself to not think about it, and it worked.

Seonghwa moved, so that his back was against the headboard. The demons formed a circle around him.

"How are you feeling Seonghwa?" Hongjoong asked sweetly.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking" He said while playing with his fingers.

"Is something bothering you sweetheart?" Mingi asked, seeing the focused expression on Seonghwas face.

"I just.. I just wanted to say sorry for what I did. I'm sorry for pushing you all away, while the only thing you wanted was to help me"

There was silence for a few moments. The demons were trying to process what Seonghwa had said.

"Pup, there is no reason to say sorry. We understand" Hongjoong said, doing a brave move and getting closer to the human.

Seonghwa let him, wanting at this moment to have someone close to him. So when the demon offered his arms, Seonghwa didn't hesitate to burry himself into his embrace. He felt safe there.

"I just.. I cannot understand why you are not angry with me. Or why you're still putting up with me. I'm literally nothing special"

"That's the part where you are wrong sweetheart. You are so much precious to us, you have no idea. You may not understand it, but we will make sure to make you feel as loved as possible" San spoke, being completely honest with his words.

"But I don't deserve it. I don't deserve all this kindness and love you are willing to give me" Seonghwa said, feeling himself tearing up again. But he didn't let himself. Instead, he got closer to Hongjoong, closing his eyes momentarily.

"You deserve all the love of the world Seonghwa. It's OK if you feel like this. We won't stop loving you, or showing you kindness. You are worth every little bit of love and affection we will give you" Wooyoung continued. He was sincere with what he said. He was going to shower their pup with love and nothing else.

Seonghwa started smiling slightly at the reassuring words the demons were giving him. He felt warm inside, and his heart was beating like crazy.

And at that moment he made a promise to himself. That he was gonna give the demons a chance. That he was not gonna be again closed to himself. The demons did nothing, but to make him feel happy and loved. And he would try to repay them with this.

The rest seeing the change in his behaviour, seeing the almost smiley face, decided that they should let him rest. The sight in front of them was enough to relax them.

One by one they moved and placed a kiss on the boy's forehead, happy to see him smile. A few giggles erupted from his mouth, loving the attention right now.

Everyone said their goodbyes and left, leaving Seonghwa with San and Hongjoong.

The two made Seonghwa lay down, San's chest was on Seonghwas back, while Hongjoong was facing the human. Seonghwa was sandwiched between the two, but he didn't care. He liked it.

"Thank you, for not pushing me away" Seonghwa said whispering, drifting slowly to sleep.

The demons shared a look, looking at the boy with adoration.

"We will never do that sweetheart. We won't ever leave you alone"

Seonghwa smiled hearing that. That was the last thing he heard, before darkness engulfed him.

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