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𝕋omorrows the big day

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𝕋omorrows the big day...

Toshi wanted me to come train with him today since tomorrow is the sports festival and he wanted a 'challenge'...

I still haven't told him about the other night...I hate it...lying to him, feeling this heavy burden on my shoulders. But I will do it soon...I have to.

Least to say that night when I got back home my father wasn't even there. He left a note saying he went to visit some island whatever that means...

"You ready?" Toshi smirked forming two fists in a boxing position. "Hand-to-Hand combat huh?" I grinned crossing my arms.

"Ohh yea! I wanna see what you can do..." He backed up a little. "Bet." I launched forward taking a swing to only be dodged by him.

"Too slow.." Toshi grinned bringing his fist to my stomach.

"Am I?" I said putting my weight in his shoulders and flipping behind him. I quickly turn kicking his back at a ninety-degree angle.

He stumbled back a bit. There was a slightly red mark on his back from the impact of my foot. He slowly turned to face me with a challenging smile.

He had his entire upper body at my view, I gazed over his chest seeing the pattern of his muscle from his abdomen to his arms. He did that on purpose...

"Oh your gonna get it..." He smirked grabbing my body while I was distracted. He threw me up in the air as I gasp at the sudden lift.

"To-toshi!" I shouted as I covered my face almost reaching the ceiling.

Stunningly he jumped up reached out to grab my body in the air and forcibly shoving me to the ground.

*Crash* "Ugh!" I groaned at the impact as I felt pain shooting up my limbs. He's too damn strong...is he trying to break my back!?

He's not holding back...I shakenly stand as pieces of my hair fall covering my view.

Two can play at this game...I sprint my way towards him trying to get a hit while dodging his punches.

I just need one hit...I felt sweat trickle down my face. Now, this is a workout...I gasp as his fist was only centimeters away from my face.

My pace is slowing down...but that means his is too...

Gathering the last strength I had slightly ducked down, firmly stood my ground, and jabbed him in the stomach with my elbow.

*SLAM* I heard a crash across the room and saw him whimpering as he doubled down.

"Gosh...Nanami...where did you get that strength from..." Toshi breathed heavily laying on the wooden floor caressing his stomach.

I'm no match with him when it comes to true strength but if I can get just one hit, I can put all my force, and it can be powerful.

I AM 𝙷̶𝙴̶𝚁̶𝙴̶ •• (Ꭿll Might | Toshinori Yagi )Where stories live. Discover now