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"Is he awake?"



"Then it's time"

"Wak e u p ( y / n )"


You shot up, instinctively holding your side. You whip your head around only to be met with flowers and grass, at least from what you could see from the fuzziness that clouded your vision. You're breathing heavy as if you were just running and now catching your breath. Your head feels dizzy as the dark spots in your vision starts to fade.

"What the- What the hell?" you pant while still looking around.


You're head shoots up and you turn to look at the female voice that had yelled at you. You see a short-ish brunette that seems to be quite upset with you.

"You're in my flowers!!" she yells out. You look around, you were indeed in flowers as you had seen before. You try and remember how you got here but your head starts to hurt and your dizziness worsens. You look back at the female.

"S-sorry! I-" you pause while trying to move, you squeeze your eyes shut as a white-hot pain spreads from your side, the one you were holding beforehand. You move your hand as your increasing dizziness becomes clear.

Your hand was covered in thick red blood.

You put your hand over the spot once more and buckle over. You panic before remembering the other person's presence a ways away.

"D-do you have any medical supplies?" Your voice seemed weak and horse, it hurt your throat to even speak.

The woman looked surprised but quickly started to come towards you. She seemed to be taking a marked path.

You watched but the fuzziness in your vision returned as the headache worsen. The limps holding you up gave way and you fell to the ground as the world turned black.


Sorry I know this is short, the other chapters should be longer, just felt like this was a good place to start it!

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