Chapter 11

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Vah Ruta let out a defeated cry as Link hit the final Orb upon it's back, it's trunk fell into the water as the rain started to clear for the first time in who knows how long.

Sidon took the two of you to a platform on Ruta and wished you luck. 

Now it was just you and Link once more.

"Here, you can have it back..." You gave the object back to Link, who in turn placed it on a pedestal before putting it back on his hip.

"Thanks! You did an amazing job by the way" he smiled. He seemed to have more to say but was cut off by a disembodied voice speaking out.

"You're here"

You straighten your posture as your knuckles go white around the blade you pulled from it's place. 

"I must say... that I am so happy to see that this day has arrived"

You ears stretch to here te quiet voice, you remember it. The Zora from your memory, the one you protected against the Lynel. You look to see that Link seems to remember it aswell. 

"Now, Ruta can be free from Ganon's control"

You have to shake your head as your ears start ringing. While the ringing doesn't stop you do end up removing some water that got caught in your ears.

"Ready?" You look back to Link, whom was handing you a bottle of red liquid. You take it putting it away for later use. 

"Yes, and stop trying to get me addited to those awful elxirs." You pull out your bow and shoot the gorey looking eye causing it to shrivel up and dissipate. Link just rolls his eyes and charges ahead.


"Aaaannnnd that's the last one!" Link cries out, he gluides back to you from the top of the trunk of Vah Ruta. 

You had been helping as much as you could but slowly started to get tried and cold. You had ended up having to sit down while Link finished the final terminal. Your eyelids were heavy and you where shivering from a cold that only you seemed to feel. 

Link landed with a thud, "Looks like we have the main terminal left before we can get out of here." He brushed off some of the gunk his Zora armor had plasted on it. He put his sword away as he walked closer. His face starting to contort in worry the closer he came. "Hey, you sure you're fine? Because you're looking really pale, well, paler than normal."

You glared at him, "I'm f-fine thanks, I'm just cold."

"Did you drink that bottle I gave ya?" He pointed to your hip as he spoke, trying to find the glass vile you stored away. You looked at him with slight disgust.

"No, I was saving it f-for when we need it... I am good." You stood to your feet, your side pulling itself apart as you do. You lean on the wall for support. "Let's go." You hiss, Link seeming to jump slightly before halting and leading the way.

You stayed there for a little while. You felt sick. You felt like your wound was rotting from the inside out. You felt like your body was lead and your legs were toothpicks. Your vision and hearing would blur and ring if you didn't focus hard enough. You panted and spit some excess saliva that was starting to build up in your mouth. You eventually concealed yourself enough to follow where Link went off too.

It was down to the main lobby of the beast. The floor was still flooded as you stumbled after Link. The main terminal being the final obstacle you two would have to face before leaving this god-forsaken quest.

"Fucking F-finally... just finish this already would ya?" You grumbled under your breath as Link nodded and jogged over to the terminal. You crossed your arms and leaned on the door frame. You were exhausted, your legs nearly giving out as you watched Link attempt to put his tablet on the stone only for dark slime to stop him and slowly build up into a ball between the two of you.

God. Damn it.

Hey :)
Thought I would post what I had left. While I haven't been to into BOTW as of late I was reminded of this fic and thought I would update it as a treat lmao
I'll props updated again but like it might be FAR into the future idk

Hope you liked this update lol

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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