Chapter 2

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"Did it work?"

"Yes, but she doesn't remember yet"

"Why not?"

"It would be more harm than help at this point, her memories were tearing her mind apart, they needed to be removed"

"She will remember again, right?"

"Of course.... in time..."


You're pulled from you peaceful slumber by the sun shining in your eyes. You try to just roll over but are stopped by a sharp pain in your side.

You groan, guess you're awake now.

You look around the small campsite to find it empty, other than yourself. You slowly sit up, you see weird clothes that looked damp, slightly bloody and torn.

You attempt to stand only for someone to squeak and rush to your side.
"Careful! You'll hurt yourself again!" Magda helped you stand up.

You notice someone else's presence and look to see a blonde boy. His blue eyes stared at the two of you, you squinted your eyes while the two talked, he looked familiar. You just couldn't place it.

"I can help her get to a safer place, sure" His voice broke your thoughts, this must be the traveler that was going to help you.

"I almost forgot! Here! These are your clothes! I tried to get the blood out but, it's hard to get it out of such a light blue..." You take them and put them away for the time being.

You looked to Magda with a sad look, she just gave you a smile.

"Take care of yourself, ok?" You nod and give her a hug.

"Thank you for everything..."

You turn back to the boy and he comes to help you. As he leads you to the riverside to take you to the path on the other side. You look back at Magda and wave as the two of you make your way.


It was almost midday when they got to a strange-looking building. There were people outside talking and some riding in on horses. The boy helped you sit down outside, to your request, and then went to speak with the keeper of the place.

You sigh and watch everyone around you, they were all travelers from different places. Most of the people were Hylians and looked well-armed, you guessed it was because of the monsters around.

You and the boy, whom hadn't given you his name yet despite you asking, had run into some on your way here, yet the boy simply took care of with little to no trouble.

Thinking back to it, you started to grow restless from being dead weight to him. You could have taken on those pests if you had a weapon. You scowl and huff in frustration.

Shaking your head to clear you thoughts you pulled out the clothing Magda claimed to be yours. The light blue cloth was slightly stained red with what you assumed to be your blood, there was a tear were your gash would be as well. You looked at the royal blue shirt but your attention was drawn to a heaviness in the pants. You set the still slightly damp shirt aside to find why the bottoms were heavier than they should be.

You unravel the bundled clothing and found a goldish chain that suffered from some rust, it was an odd accessory but what caught your attention more was the cloth that hung underneath the chain. It was the royal light blue like the top, yet this one had more of a design to it.

You stared at it as something sparked in your head. You gasped as a memory rushed into your mind.


You were walking alongside a blonde girl, she seemed stressed and a little iritated but was quiet while you two enjoyed the nice weather.

She sighed and turned to you.

"I'm sorry, (y/n). I don't mean to be in such a sour mood. I just..." she paused to think over her words, "I just wish to have some time to myself is all."

You nodded your head in understanding.

"I get it, Link is just being overprotective, I'm sure I have been a bit as well." You state trying to help calm the female.

She smiled a bit, she looked up to the sky and took a deep breath. Her mood starting to become more joyous. She looks back down and pulls something out from her bag that hung at her side.

"Thank you for accompanying me, it's nice to have someone else with me for a change."

"It's not a problem,"

"Yes but you don't have to do anything that you have been doing..." she turned around to face you. "Which is why I wish to give you this..."

You tilt your head in confusion, she walks towards you with a cloth and chain bundled in her grasp.

"At first I thought that maybe the swordsman and guardian were the same thing but..." Her eyes meet yours and she continued, "once I met you it became clear..."

"You're not saying..." you are breathless at her words as she nods and hands you the cloth. You look over its designs. It had a lighter blue pattern around the edges with small designs of either a star or three lines to represent light, and one big design that reminded you of an angle's wings.

"Thank you....thank you so much, Zelda..."


The memory faded as you are pulled back to reality, you are confused by what it meant but didn't have time to think about it as the boy came back with some things in his hands. You squint at him suspiciously before he tossed them into the cooking pot.

He worked not once looking back at you, you sighed and leaned back against the box you were resting against. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep from the travels you had done today.


If you wanted to see what the cloth looks like then I drew it for ya.

I'm working on the full outfit but it will take a little while.

I'm working on the full outfit but it will take a little while

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