Chapter 4

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I usually dont start with an A/N but wattpad did something werid and unpublished CH4 or something so here it is a little late sorry!

By the time you got to the village, the elixir had worn off and you were back to square one of your injury issue.

Link had stopped the horse, whom he named Epona, at an inn. He helped you off the horse and to an inn, the lady working instantly took notice and came to aid.

"Oh dear! Let me help you into a bed."

Your face flushed slightly in embarrassment, you swear under your breath about how done you are with being treated like a glass figurine.


Once you had been set up in one of the few beds available. The keeper went to speak with Link.

From what you had pieced together, the exlir Link had given you should have healed your wound, if not than should have gotten you back on your feet once more.

You take a look at the cloth wrapped around your waist, the one side was coates in a deep red.

"That needs to be changed" you whip your head up to find Link walking towards the bed next to yours.

"Could have at least warned me you were coming" you scowl as you go back to the bandages, you start to unravel them when Link replies.

"Well, it is and open space..." he pauses upon seeing the wound. To you it looked a lot better than before, it wasn't as deep and some of it had closed up. "Where did you get something like that?"

"I don't know, I just woke up in that field with this..." your brows furrow as you examine the gash, "everything else is pretty much blank..."

Link watched you and soon walked over to hand you some fresh, and proper, bandages.

"You get some rest, I'll see what I can do to help heal that." You nod your head and watch him walk off.

You do your best in clean up the injury before wrapping it up tightly.

Once you were done, you were faced with silence. You shifted uncomfortably in the bed and tried to thing of something to do. You were far from tired and could help but wonder how you got such a mark.

You remembered your cloth and pulled it out again. You studied it and replayed the memory you gain in your head over and over.

"Link is just being overprotective"

You knew that voice was your own, which made you think about the Link that is helping you now.

Could it be the same one? Was he with you because he knew you or was this just a coincident?

You sighed and took off you boots, with much effort, and lied in bed to let your sleep consume you.


You woke up feeling well rested, you sit up and look to see Link asleep in the bed next to yours. You didn't want to wake him just so you could go for a walk, you watched him and sighed. You slid out of bed and got ready, you made your way to the door, your side giving annoying protests as you went.


You had wondered around town for a few minutes, buying another elixir to drink as you walked.

You had visited the clothing store to see if they could fixed up you clothing. They told you they could try and would get back to you in an hour or so.

Now, you just had to wait. The town's folk had started coming out by now and children ran around playing.

You smiled and watched them, one had stopped and asked if you were going to speak with Impa before running off again with his friends.

You watched him before turning to the building on the hill. It looked familiar, as if you had been there before.

You shook your head and went to walk up the stairs only to be stopped by two spears.

"HALT! Go no further." One of the guards spoke loudly and had a serious expression on his face.

"Sorry, I was just looking around for an Impa..." you started to back away when a girl came down to see what was going on.

"Wait! Don't go! You were traveling with Master Link, right?" You looked at a little confused but nodded to answer her question. She smiled and told the guards to lower there weapons.

"Then I'm sure Impa would love to speak with you." You gave a skeptical look but followed her up the stairs.

You opened one of the doors and looked around inside, tapestries hung from the wall and there was a lady on a stack of pillows in the center of the room.

"This is a sight I never thought to see... a Champion thought dead....alive"

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