Chapter 6

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The road to Zora's domain started to get wetter the further you went, it came to the point where you couldn't ride Epona any longer. 

The two of you took her to the nearest stable and boarded her, taking your guys equipment with you both.  You had grabbed a walking stick for the long walk and followed Link along the winding and muddy path to the Zoras.


Link was ahead, as you were struggling to keep up with the rain, mud and other forces slowing you down. You saw him waiting for you but just before you could walk by his side again you heard a booming voice. 

"Hey! You! Up here!" You and Link looked up to see a red fish-like creature jump off one of the glowing pillars on either side of the bridge you were going to cross. He landed in front of Link, you feared the creature was going to attack once it landed. You quickly ran in front of Link and held your shield in front of you, blocking the red creature from Link. 

The large creature jumped back slightly, startled from the sudden Hylian rushing to protect the blonde boy. 

"Oh my! Two Hylians! If you wouldn't mind I would like to speak with the two of you!" You lowered your shield slightly as Link put a hand on your shoulder as if saying it was alright.

"I'm sorry if I scared you at all but I must speak with you! I am Sidon, the Zora prince! What are your names?" he was energetic and seemed genuine. You lowered your shield and placed it back into place.

"I'm Link and this is (y/n)!" Link answered for us, Sidon beamed brightly.

"What powerful names! I could have sworn I've heard of them before... but no matter!" Sidon crouched down a little bit to be at our height. "I've been watching you two! You have some amazing skills, I can tell you aren't any ordinary Hylians!" Sidon seemed to be mostly talking to Link in witch you didn't mind as much, yet you had to admit you were a little jealous...

"You two must be strong warriors of your kind, correct?" Sidon seemed like a giddy child, eagerly awaiting an answer. Link nodded in response causing Sidon's smile to widen.

"As I thought! I've been searching for heroes such as you two! Zora's Domain is in great danger due to the heavy rainfalls from Divine Beast Vah Ruta!" You perked up a little at the mention of one of the Divine Beasts, this was perfect!

"Please tell me you two will follow me to Zora's Domain?"

"I know I will," you finally spoke, you looked to Link for his response. 

"Heck ya I'll join!" his ears perked as he smiled and looked to Sidon with a burning look of determination in his eyes.

"I knew you wouldn't let me down!" Sidon stated joyfully, "with the rain it would be impossible to climb the cliffs, I would take the path. As Hylians, I know you two wouldn't be able to swim up the strong river. But be warned, the path has many foes!" You follow the path with your eyes, you couldn't see anything from here but you were taking his word for it.

"And to show I have faith you both," He handed Link two yellow elixirs, "I shall go ahead and make sure there is nothing strange going on. I'm counting on you!" Once he was done he leaped back into the water swimming away.


You and Link have been traveling for a while, Sidon had popped up a few more times telling the two of you how well you were doing. The monsters weren't too much of an issue mostly just annoying.

You were close, at least to what the Sheikah Slate told you, you had one more line of monsters before you were home free.

Link had been taking on most of the monsters, you had a bow so you could help from a distance.
You drew out your bow, in which you took from a previous monster, you loaded an arrow and released it once you had a good shot. You hit an electric Lizalfos in the horn, it blasted a field of electricity around itself, electrifying the others around it.

Link ran in with a club and started knocking them down while you shot them. The tactic was working well so far yet you were aways on your toes, you were bound to have something go wrong at some point. You just weren't counting on that just yet.

Your ear twitched at the sound of muddy footsteps, but you were grabbed by the back of your shirt. You panicked and yelled, before regaining yourself. The thing that had picked you up was a curious Bokoblin, it was rather surprised once it saw what you were. 

You kicked it as hard as you could, causing it to drop you. You pulled out your sword and pointed it up at the beast from your spot on the ground.

It squealed and pulled out a rusted great sword. You froze as the rusted blade started to come down on you.

"(Y/n)!!!" Link cried out to you causing you to snap out of your state and move your sword, blocking the great sword just in time.

You shoved the Bokoblin's weapon making it stumble. You quickly scramble to your feet and stood on the slick mud. You try and clean your face with you hand but just end up smudging the mud further, maybe even adding more.

The Bokoblin goes to swing the heavy weapon towards you. You quickly jumped out of the way, as fell you took your sword and threw it. The beast let out a shrill cry and fell.

Link ran to your side to help you finish the monster. He shot the Bokoblin with your stranded bow a few times to make sure it was in fact dead.

"Are you alright?!" He turned to find you standing up.

"Yes of course, I'm not a little kid I can handle things myself!" You reply while dusting yourself off. You didnt mean to sound angry just annoyed by the fact you were now caked in mud.

He seemed to shrink back a bit, he walked past you without another word said and continued omward.

You watched him, guilt slowly eating at you. You sighed and followed him, right after collecting the sweet loot. You'll talk to him when you get to Zora's Domain.

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