Chapter 1

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You wake up to see the night sky, the stars twinked down on you as you lied under a tree. You're head is pounding and your ears ringing. You close your eyes once again and wait for them both to stop.

The ringing cleared shortly, the headache was still slightly present but bearable. You open your eyes again and look around, you see a fire going next to you and someone poking the flames with a stick. You go to sit up but hiss as your side screams in protest.

This alerts the other being next to the fire.

"Oh! You're awake!" it was the woman from before. "You might not want to move too much, that looked like a really nasty gash you had there."

You look at your side, you seemed to have different clothes then what you remembered wearing before. You lifted the new clothing to see your wound tightly wrapped in a white cloth that was now a deep red were your gash must be.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to you?" the woman's eye shone in an almost worried way.

"I-" you tried to clear your still rough throat, you thought for a few seconds. "I don't know..."

The lady looked at you in concern, "you must have it your head..." she trailed off shortly, "Oh! I'm Magda by the way! I'm a gardener that planted all those flowers!" You smiled while looking at them all. "I planted them in honor of the Champion that is buried there, I just hope they like them..."

"They are rather lovely..." You cough from talking with your soar throat.

"Oh! Here! Drink some water, that should help your throat out!" Magda handed you a bottle filled with water, she helped you lean against the tree. "I was cooking some apples if you'd like one"

You nod your head, you drank from the glass bottle. The cool liquid feeling great against your aching throat.

"My names (y/n)" you tell her, your voice gaining its strength back.

"That's a nice name! Sounds familiar..." The gardener shook her head and handed you a cooked apple. "Here, you should eat! I'll try and flag down a traveler to help out in the morning."

You hungrily bite into the apple, you watch as Magda rolls out a mat to sleep on. She hands you a blanket and you look at her confused.

"It's for you to sleep on, or for whatever you want to do with it." She goes to the river with your now empty bottle. You look at the blanket and take a bite out of the apple once more.


"Ok, I was working on your cloths and-" Magda stops herself upon seeing the other female asleep with the blanket still in their hands.

She smiles and goes to fix their sleeping position and throwing the blanket on top of them to keep out the cold night.


Still short sorry, rn I'm just trying to get things out for people to read.

The chapters should start getting longer soon.

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