Chapter 10

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"Yes, I'm fine..." You huffed as you made your way into the fight once more.

You pulled out your bow and shot ice arrows at the beast's head.

It roared in anger and swiped its sword at you. n turn you flipped over it, you took the opening to land some deep swipes with your sword. 

Mipha helped by stunning the beast giving you time to hop into it's back.

The beast cried out and bucked around to knock you off. You gripped it's mane and plunged your sword into it's back.

It gave off one long and shrill cry before it stopped moving and fell. 

You sigh in relief and laughed.

"Well done! Without you, I would be dead... and Hyrule would be one step closer to falling into Ganon's hands."

You smiled, "I would do anything to protect my family, Mipha. And to protect my home..."

You turned to walk back down the path towards Zora's Domain.

"Now, how about a nice long nap, I think that would be nice right about now..."

Mipha giggled, "I think you deserve it..."


You opened your eyes and sat up, you rubbed the blur from your eyes to see where you were.

You were back in the Zora's inn. But how did you get here?

"(Y/N), you're awake!" You turned to see the blonde champion.

"Umm ya.. what- how did I get here?" You got up only for Link to careful push you back into the bed. 

"You froze in battle and then passed out or something, I think you put too much strain on your wound so... I think you should just stay here..."

"What? And let you take on Vah Ruta on your own? Hell no!" You abruptly stood up which, in hindsight, wasn't the greatest idea. Your face contorted into a mix of pain and anger, you let out a shaky breath to calm yourself. "I just had a flashback or whatever, the Lynel must have triggered my memory. I admit, it wasn't the best time to remember something but I don't have control over that. My side is way better than what it once was, and you are too much of a dumbass to go into Vah Ruta on your own." You were smirking towards the end to show that your anger wasn't towards him.

"W-what! I Can so take on Vah Ruta myself!"

"Really? Because that tree branch wasn't going to hold your weight no matter what you did, must have been some master plan of yours huh?" Your voice dripped with sarcasm. You laughed at the face Link was giving you before he went to pack his things.

"You're an ass you know that, I saved your life" he huffed, his face was slightly red from embarrassment.

"True, and I thank you for that, but listen here mister, just so we're clear. You WILL NOT be leaving me behind no matter what, do you understand?" He quickly nodded and handed you your things.

You took your quiver and remember the reason you two had to face the Lynel in the first place.

"Link, did we get enough shock arrows?" Your expression was a mix of fear and disappointment

"I think so, I got 12 and you got 5, I think that should be good enough..." 

You sighed, "I was hoping to get more than 20 but I guess we can do with...17..."   

"I know we can do it, we just have to be careful about our arrows!" Link smiled trying to calm your nerves.

"Your right... let's just get ready, you have your Zora armor right?" Link nodded and picked it up to show it to you. 

"Good, I have a feeling you're going to need it..."


You two made to were Sidon told you he'd be waiting, he had a few parting words but you weren't listening. If you were to be honest, you weren't feeling well. 

You saw Sidon jump into the water with Link following behind him, you took off your belt and in hopes to keep your stuff dry you left it on the dock and hopped in.

You held onto Sidon as Link held on to you, as uncomfortable as you were you knew Link was the only one that can complete the first part of the mission. He was going to be getting on and off of Sidon and the best location to do that was if he was behind you on this ride. You just hoped he would get it over with quickly.

Sidon dashed off and you held on tighter. You closed your eyes to keep the rushing water out of them. You heard the roar of Ruta and Sidon explaining that Ruta throws ice blocks when we get close. You sucked in a breath of air and mentally prepared yourself.

"I'll worry about the ice blocks just focus on the orbs!" You unhooked yourself from Sidon and pulled out your bow and a few arrows. Link smiled and handed you an odd object, you've noticed it on his hip and have seen him mess around with it from time to time but never really questioned it.

"Try this instead, it might be less of a waste of arrows" You looked at it for a little, it was set to some mode called Cryonis. The symbol was a snowflake and you got the idea quickly.
Your ear twitched slightly at the sharp sound of crystal-like objects being formed. You fiddled with the object trying to figure out how to use it as an ice block crept towards your little group. Link pushed the button on the screen and the block shattered.

"oh... thanks..." Link only chuckled slightly and let you handle the rest.


Welcome back to this nightmare. :)

BTW for those who might be worrying about the next chapter being a long and unnecessary walkthrough of Ruta. It's not going to be, it will only be parts that I find important.

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