Chapter 8

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You felt Link put a hand on your shoulder, you looked at him only to get a pitied look in return.

"I'll go and speak with them, how about you get us some beds at the inn?"  You nodded your head and watched him walk out and down the stairs. You go to follow the same path to get to the inn but King spoke up before you left.

"If you don't mind me asking... how are you alive...?" he looked over your still muddy form, he an unknown expression that you swore you saw slightly before. 

"What do you mean?" You scrunched your face up in confusion, you understood that you were thought to be dead, but you also head Link was thought to be dead as well. Yet, he seemed to have little questioning about his approach to others that knew him. Why were you different?

"You were dead... I was at your funeral, I saw you with my own eyes. A few other Zora were there as well, not Muzu otherwise he would have held his tongue. Yet... you stand before me, with no recollection of your past and ready to add the final champion and take on Ganon..." You stared at him in disbelief. You shook your head.

"No, that's not possible... you must be mistaking me for someone else, or I'm remembering wrong... it's not possible for someone dead to come back to life..." You but a hand over your injury, as if to protect it from some unseen danger. 

The Zora King stays silent watching you, "Fine then, once you have more answers please share them with me, I would enjoy knowing as well... I might be able to help you" he pauses, "tell Kayden I will pay for two beds... rest well (Y/n)..."


You were walking along in Zora's Domain alongside a red Zora. 

"It's quite a lovely day now isn't it?" You looked over to the red Zora girl. She looked similar to the statue in the square.

"It is..." You inhaled the scent of the grasslands around you. "It's earlier quiet..."  the Zora girl giggles.

"Oh (Y/n), always so tense..." she went ahead a little to look over the cliff ahead of us. "Come here and look, maybe it will help you calm down"

You rolled your eyes and follow her to the edge. You look over to see the extensive view of Zora's Domain. You couldn't deny the fact it was a beautiful sight.

You stayed there, staring out at the glowing blue town. You smiled slightly, "Thank you Mipha...I think I needed this..." 

You looked to the red Zora, seeing the brightness in her yellow eyes made you smile a some more. Though, your demeanor changed as you spotted movement behind her.

"Get down!" You shove her to the ground as three shock arrows flew over the two of you. You looked put and saw the dark red mane of a Lynel.

You quickly jump up and pull out your sword. You charge at the Lynel with your sword in hand ready to attack. The Lynel jumped back and shot its bow one last time at you. You dog the arrows by somersaulting forward. You look up just in time to see Miphia's trident pierce through the Lynel's tough leather-like skin.

You quickly use the Lynel's stunned state to your advantage and land a quick attack to the Lynel. You tear Mipha's trident from the Lynel's bloody skin and toss it back to her. While you were distracted, the Lynel backhands you causing you to be thrown back a far distance away from the Lynel.

You stumble to your feet and shake the fuzziness from your head. You look to see Mipha distracting the Lynel. She elegantly flips out of the way as if she were in the water. 

You pick up your discarded sword and run to aid the Zora princess.





You are awakened by the shaking of a blonde boy, his cerulean eyes smiling brightly. You push his face away rolling your eyes.

"Good morning to you too," Link tried not to laugh at your bed head.

"It would be better if you let me sleep thanks..." you sigh and sat up to stretch your sore limps, must have been from walking and fighting through the marshlands to get to Zora's Domain.

"Well, I did. It's nearly noon, besides, we need to get shock arrows!" He pulled on his boots while sitting on the bed next to yours. He seemed more enthusiastic and eager to reclaim Vah Ruta than before.

"Ya ok..." you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and started to get ready, you downed another elixir while doing so. 

"I wonder if we can find a healer here for you," you looked up to see him ready to go with the Zora armor fitting him perfectly. He was watching you while you struggled with your boots.

"Wasn't Mipha the healer or whatever?" You mumbled while scowling at the mess you made with the dryer mud that stuck to your boots and skin.

"Well, yes... do you...remember her?" He looked held out your weapons and other items.

"Only a little... or at least I think... we went somewhere to relax when a Lynel attacked, or at least that's what I think I remember it being called." You took your stuff from him and situated them so they wouldn't get in the way.

"Well, hopefully, you remember how to deal with one." You looked at him with confusion. 

"and why is that?" he rubbed the back of his neck and gave a nervous smile, he avoided making eye contact.

"In order to get the shock arrows, we are going to need to enter the home of one of those beasts"


It's been a while huh. Well none the less here you are!

Just wanted to tell you all I've been getting some help with my sister in writing this. She's been helping me organize events and writing some of the story with me! We have a lot of unposted stuff for future chapters, mostly memories, I can't wait for things to go down!

Also, I can answer any questions you have, I know my writing can get confusing, mostly bc I have no brain cells left, so feel free to ask anything!

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