Chapter 3

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You were rudely awakened from your shortly lived slumber by someone sitting down next to you. You looked over and gave a short glare at them. It was the boy that had helped you to the stable.

"Well, it looks like your job is done you can leave me now you know." You state with a bitterness in your voice. He looks to you slightly shocked.

"Why would I leave you?" He spoke, for what could have been the first time.

"For starters, you were meant to take me somewhere safe," You motioned around to the stable, "next, you have barely even talked to me. You haven't even told me your name, and finally, I am of no use to you, so why didn't you leave while I was asleep?"

He looked to his hands and played with the bottle in them.

"My name is Link"


You scowled at him, that name sounded familiar, but you were cut short from your thoughts as he handed you the bottle.

"It's a Hearty Elixer, should help you with your injury..." you took the bottle from him and looked at it.

"Thanks..." you took the cork out and took a drink of it. It didn't taste great at all but the feeling of it going down your throat was amazing. You put the cork back in and relaxed, your aching side began to fade into a numbness that was much appreciated.

Link stood up, dusting himself off. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm going to go get a horse, should make traveling much easier on you." You looked at him in suspicion. He must have noticed because he stated not long after that there was a village not too far from here where he was taking you to. You sighed and watched him leave.

You took another drink from the elixir and attempted to stand. You were a little wobbly at first but soon stood fully on your too legs. You looked around with a bright smile on your face. You decided that if you were going to live in a monster-infested land you would need a means to defeat yourself.

You noticed a sword and shield lying untouched behind a box. You stumbled over to them, still getting used to walking, and picked them up. The sword fit in your hand comfortably like you've held one a million times before, which was odd to you considering you don't remember ever picking one up before.

You situated the two items on you back and looked around for any other items that could be proven useful.

By the time Link got back with a horse, you were cooking some rice, apples, and some eggs and butter that you traded for with a lizard you were able to catch. It wasn't the best ingredients but it was turning out alright.

As Link approached he frowned upon seeing you.

"You shouldn't be moving around that much." You perked you head up to see him with a horse ready to go.

"I'm fine, besides, I made food for you." You handed him a plate of your apple rice omelet that you made. He sighed and took it from you, he began to eat it and soon perked up.

"This is pretty good..." He continued to dig into the meal. You smiled and ate from your helping.

"Guess I am useful for one thing, huh?" You stated smugly, he looked at you slightly confused.

"What do you mean?" You just dismiss him and ate your eggs. He watched you silently before speaking again. "Did you not want me to help you?"

"I mean, it's nice of you but I wish I could be of more help to you" you swallow a mouthful before answering him.

"Well... I guess if you want you could join me on my adventure." He looked to you with a blank expression. You paused and looked to him, his ears perk slightly waiting for your answer.

"W-wait you mean it?" He nodded his head and smiled.

"Though, you'll have to wait till you are healed before I'll let you do any fighting." You stared at him as he finished up his meal.

"I'd love to help you, I don't really know what else I am to do anyway." He smiled and cleaned up your cooking mess and the plates.

"Then let's get going! We should get there by Sundown!" You stand up only for your side to give off a dull pain. Looks like the elixir is starting to wear off.

Link looked at you with a questioning look, "The elixir should have healed some of the wound by now..." he shook his head and helped you on the horse. He took the reins and started to guide the horse to the path towards the town you two were headed to.

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