Chapter 9

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You two made up to Ploymus Mountain to get the 20 shock arrows you needed for Vah Ruta. On the way, Link filled you in on Muzu's relationship with Mipha and his memory of Mipha.

"So you and Mipha were a thing?" You spoke up after he stated that the Zora Armor Mipha made was for him.

Link's face flushed, "I-I don't know for sure, I do know that she was one of the greatest healers in the Zora's Domain."

You nod, you felt a little sadden and disappointed if you were to be honest. You didn't fully understand the reason to it but you chalked it up to the fact you heavily enjoyed his companionship and that you were, for some reason unknown to you, jealous.

Link peaked over the edge of the hill and into the flat top of Ploymus Mountian. "Looks clear..." he stated as he quickly and quietly hopped over the lip and on to the flat top of Ploymus. He gave you a hand to help you up, which you gladly took.

You looked around at the marshy land, which was muddy and filled with puddles thanks to the rain. You couldn't] seem to spot the Lynel but you could see the arrows that littered the trees and ground.

Link lead the way, you were headed towards a rock in the distance and once you got there you spotted the Lynel and yanked Link down as hard as you could to hide yourself.

"Hey what the-" Link got cut off by you slapping a hand over his mouth, then you put a finger up to your lips to silence him.

You take your hand off Links mouth, you silently motion towards the direction you say the red-maned beast. He gets the idea pretty quickly, and quietly whispers "So what's the plan?"

You look around the marshy areas again taking in all the areas where the shock arrows are from your advantage point. "It looks like we don't have to fight it we can just go around it and grab all the arrows. I'll grab the ones that are closer and keep an eye on the Lynel. You get the ones that are further," You peak over the rock to spot the Lynel. "He's got a bow on him, he'll be able to shoot... how fast of a getaway do you think you will be able to do?"

Link thought for a second before pulling out a cloth and sticks, a paraglider. 
"I've got this, I can just jump off the cliff and sail away, yet... then you will have to find a way back..." 

"If it comes to it yes, but that just if things go south..." you start to sort your arrows and other equipment you think you might need.

Link watched you work, he didn't say anything but you could tell he was questioning you.
"Are you always over-prepared or are you just anxious because of your side?" 

"You heard what they said about this guy! He could easily crush us, we need to be careful." Link puts his hands up in defense.

"Just asking..."

"ok, I'm ready..."


Once you see that Link is safe while collecting the discarded shock arrows you go and start to collect the shock arrows that you were supposed to grab.

You were careful with your movements and had your eyes on your feet as to not step on anything that would create noise. You would take a quick glance up to the Lynel every once in a while to make sure both you a Link were in the clear.

Ok, I've got 5, there are some that I could get, but they are in the open... Would I be able to escape if something went south-

You were pulled from your thoughts as you heard a snap and a thud. You froze as you saw the Lynel's green eyes widen and his hands reach for the bow on his back.

You feared the noise gave you away until the red-haired beast turned. You pulled out your bow and readied an arrow, you peaked to see what he was looking at, you spotted your blonde companion in the mud with a broken tree branch next to him. 

"Of course it's him..." you sighed and calmed yourself. You shot your arrow at the creature and hid behind the tree you were leaned up against. The Lynel let out a roar and turned to look at what hit him. 

You could just make out the blonde boy getting his bearings. "So much for not needing to fight this thing..." 

You readied your already organized equipment and went into the clearing. You fired another arrow and readied another. The Lynel growled and shot three shock arrows in your direction, you rolled out of the way. You stayed low and kept loading arrows into the monster, so far your strategy was working.

You look to see Link quickly picking up the rest of the arrows, he wasn't worrying about sneaking as much as speed, which you were thankful for. 

The Lynel got closer and replaced his bow with an odd weapon that looked like a combination of an ax and a sword. You picked up on what it was planning and pulled out your sword and shield to mimic its thoughts.

You charge at the creature head-on with your blade out, you were hoping to be the one to make the first move.

Yet something happen after your attack, the world around you gain a graininess as reality started to fade into something else... 

You heard a voice, it was a soft female voice... 

"(Y/n), are you alright?"

A/N: Well shit...

I'm slowly working on this I swear, I feel like my upload schedule is decent, but just know I am working on the next chapters.

After a while I got a picture of what your outfit looks like, you can change it if you want to.

After a while I got a picture of what your outfit looks like, you can change it if you want to

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