Chapter 1: Some Gods Huh?

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On a dark quiet night the gods Amaterasu and Ra were both flying slowly through the clouds on a giant flaming phoenix. The glorious fire bird left flame trails in the sky with it's wings and tail as it cruised just below Heaven. The phoenix was a sign of power and immortality. Amaterasu was an extremely beautiful woman. She had long spiky silver hair that reached her waist, yellow eyes, tan skin, medium sized fox ears, and she was wearing a white and red kimono with flaming design patterns running along it. Also standing on the bird's head right next to her was Ra. He did not look anything like how he was depicted in statues, books, and movies. He was also very gorgeous, and his face looked slightly feminine. Ra had flaming like orange hair at the top of his head that went upward, he had bright orange eyes that could probably be seen dozens of meters away, he had tan skin, and he was wearing an orange robe with a flaming red design running along it, similar to Amaterasu. The bird itself was the size of Mount Everest, if not bigger, and can undoubtedly be seen by even mortals glancing up at the dark sky. After all a giant flaming bird bigger than skyscrapers isn't easy to miss. Ra had an eagle staff in his left hand which he used to guide the bird whenever he wanted. Amaterasu herself had a katana that was sheathed on her left side. The sword was known as Tenka Shite Hakka. A weapon that is said to be on par with the legendary Excalibur wielded by Arthur Pendragon. Ra's weapon just wasn't for directing the phoenix either.

"Ra let me strike the upper sky just once." Ama asked politely as she had her hands behind her back looking forward at the view below her. Ra smiled, closed his eyes, and shrugged.

"Well i don't know about that. Unless you want to take on the full force of Heaven that is. As i will not be assisting you at all." Ra answered seriously as he opened his eyes again.

"That alcohol must still be kicking your ass if you think some wack ass angels can best someone like me." Amaterasu responded with a little hostility in her voice. When she turned her head to him, Ra felt a little guilty as he thought he offended her.

"What... I'm just saying that's a lot of enemies. There are what millions of angels? And then you have God's archangels who are as strong as some gods themselves." Ra remarked trying to reason with the Japanese goddess. Ama turned forward and crossed her arms in annoyance feeling like he maybe had a point.

"Yea, Some gods..." Ama queitly said to herself looking a little bummed. Ra noticed her disappointed as he knew she very well wanted to take on a legion of angels by herself.

"Don't forget the Seraphs. I fought one, she was one tough cookie. I forget her name though. Something... iel. But since she had some good knockers on her, i'll just say Boobiel. I swear some of them angels are bustier than goddesses" Loki said in the background as he was laying on the right wing of the phoenix letting the wind hit his face as he relaxed with his arms and legs crossed. Ama scoffed at his remark. Ra didn't respond as he used his staff to guide the phoenix to fly a different way.

"I'm sure Ama can take them all. She's still the fastest thing in the multiverse. Heaven would get sliced apart before they realized what happened." Mulan butted in. She was on the left wing but she was hanging with her left arm and leg off the bird trying to grab the air below her as her sword and sheathe was resting on the bird. She was right however. Amaterasu speed outclasses everything that is capable of going from point A to point B, making her one of the most feared goddesses of all time. Ra wasn't to be ignored either. His calm demeanor and casualness was proof of his strength. For about a minute no one spoke but merely enjoyed the warmth and the view the phoenix provided them. Suddenly, Amaterasu's ears twitched, Ra noticed, but didn't think too much of it. In unbelievable speed, the Japanese goddess turned her head to the right and saw a massive beam of darkness approach them insanely quickly. Ra noticed it slightly late, as he tried to command the bird to spin to dodge it, but the beam ripped through the bird's wing, causing it to screech in pain. Loki who was resting on the right wing was a few inches away from getting penetrated by the beam of darkness got up quickly.

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