Shut Up Stupid!

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It has been five years since Percy found his father. He knew that time runs differently on Origo so it's probably been a month on Earth. Some days, Percy really misses the planet he grew up in. More like he misses one person from Earth.

But that isn't the reason he's on Earth right now. He isn't going to see Nico. And he sure as hell isn't going to Camp Half-Blood. He's going to the Underworld, but at the moment Percy is just watching the ocean. Yeah the ocean on Origo is beautiful and shines with a glowing light at night but he can't help but miss the way the waves overlap each other in raggedy lines.

Percy looks up at the dark blue sky and jumps off the tree he was in. He flashes himself down to the underworld at the gates to Elysium. He takes a deep breath and walks though. Time to find his friends.

It takes him a few minutes to find the couple he was looking for. He silently walks up behind them and taps both of their shoulders. They both turn around and their eyes widen once they see him.

"Percy? What— how are you here?"

"You're not dead are you?"

"Well nice to see you too Silena and Beckendorf. Can't even say hello? Wow." Percy says with a smile. He's then knocked to the ground by the couple jumping on him. "Alright, I uh.. can't breathe."

"Oh, shoot. Sorry, Percy." Silena hurries to get up and Beckendorf holds out his hand for Percy to take.

"Okay, well, now that I almost did die, to answer your questions, I'm not dead, just, uh visiting you could say."

Silena and Beckendorf look at each other and ask the question they really want to know. "Why are you here?"

"Oh, well, you see I don't exactly live on Earth anymore." Percy looks and the two and they seem to just get even more confused. "You know what? I'll just tell all of you together."

"All of us? Who else are you looking for."

"Well, let's see." Percy puts his finger on his chin. "I am also looking for Luke, Zoë and Bianca."

"Oh, but Percy, Zoë and Bianca aren't here. You know that right?" Percy just smiles at Silena.

"Yeah but I got a few tricks up my sleeves." He smiles mischievously and turns around. "Now, where is the Hermes spawn?"

"This way, Percy." Beckendorf leads them through Elysium. Soon enough they make it to a tree that has the son Hermes laying on one of the lower branches.

"Yo, Luke! There's someone here to see you!" Luke looks down at Beckendorf.

"Who wants to see me?"

Beckendorf turns and pulls Percy from behind him and Silena. Luke's mouth drops open and he jumps off the tree and lands next to Percy.

"How are you here? Why are you here? You're not dead are you? If you are I'm going to kill you!" Percy just laughs at Luke and give him a hug.

"Yeah, yeah I missed you too Luke. But I'm not dead. Just here to pick up a few things."

"Um, excuse me mister but we are not 'things' so you may want to reword that." Silena says crossing her arms.

"Alright I'm here to pick up a few people. You happy now Silena?"

"Yes. Very."

Luke looks between the two of them. "Will someone tell me what the Hades is going on."

"Styx, sorry, Luke, I'm here on a mission to pick up a few people. You three included."

Luke nodded his head. "Just us or are there others?"

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